Holey Crap
If I’m being honest, I’m a little cold right now Your Daily Lex But indeed they did install the air conditioner in my office yesterday and it worked great I actually have to understand more about its automatic settings because it’s definitely reached the target temperature, but it’s still on Maybe you can hear the hum if I’m very quiet I Think it’s on higher than it needs to be in terms of its fan setting and I feel like it’s cool enough in here now That it should have shut off, but I’m gonna keep experimenting.
It’s day one.
We’ll be fine.
It’s gonna be fine You know, it’s not fine though is my house So there’s a moment where I was taking the dog out and taking the dog out is a slightly more arduous process right now than Typical because as you may recall he had surgery recently so he’s gonna wear this dumb shirt So it’s all thing but I was taking the dog out yesterday and just through coincidental timing as I took him out I looked over at the wall as They were breaking a hole through it from my garage to the exterior of the house for condensation drainage The guy who was doing this whole boring wanted to get brick, but instead he got like decorative larger white fancy brick And I knew instantly that’s not what this guy wanted to do But I’m just going about my day and then when they’re all finished the guy running the show comes back to me He’s like hey, we had an incident and I’m like, yeah, I think I saw him He’s like you saw the hole and Mike I saw the hole And apparently he’d been at lunch while the guy was doing this hole and the guy did the hole and then he realized hey I probably shouldn’t have you know busted up this nice decorative brick.
So let me cement it closed again.
It now looks insane I have a photo of it on mastodon but it looks terrible and that’s what it is and He’s like so if you don’t like our fix we can you know, you can talk to the to to the company and they’ll fix it Better and like well, I can tell you right now.
I don’t like the fix He’s like, well, it’ll look a little bit different as it dries and like well, it still won’t look right He’s like that’s true.
And I wasn’t being rude like it’s a giant white brick That has been patched with a huge amount of unglamorous, you know, dark gray cement II type stuff so More on that story as it develops.
I guess there are no small jobs as Lauren’s uncle likes to say Man, oh man, I spoke to the company today and they’re gonna have somebody call me again this afternoon But they are committed to fixing it and they all acknowledge it was their fault.
Good stuff.
Good stuff I’m hesitant to finish recording this episode of your daily Lex one because it’s only been two and a half minutes and two because Got a text just a bit ago that I was exposed to kovat at an improv rehearsal on Tuesday got the text just now So I gotta go test myself and figure out if that’s my life for the next whatever.
I Really?
I mean, um, nobody wants COVID right?
I had it once I don’t want a second time.
My son’s had it twice I definitely want him to have it a third time Exposure day zero would have been Tuesday.
It’s now Thursday.
I don’t want to deal with it, but I’m gonna I mean I’m going to do it I’m older.
I’m gonna do it.
I’m gonna do it I’m already isolated in my office But now I’m gonna go grab some masks.
I’m gonna go grab the air filter and I’m gonna go start testing But now I have to be secluded from the whole fam for days Even if I don’t have it to make sure that if I do have it, I don’t give it to them And that sucks that sucks Yeah, but it’s really cold in my office.
So I got that going for me, I guess Anyway, I hope that you and I are covert free and that you have a wonderful Thursday And of course, I’ll keep you posted on this giant hole in the front of my house It is pretty well sealed.
So like I’m not worried about bugs coming in or anything because the cement will keep them out But man, it is hilariously bad I also had somebody who saw my post about it on mastodon who’s like hey Even after they fix that that drainage is too close to your house and it should be further away from the foundation So now I gotta figure out that too Because if you can’t trust internet strangers on mastodon, you can’t trust anyone Here’s the thing you can’t trust anyone.
Anyway, happy Thursday Lex