Vive Le Printer
I’m traveling tomorrow and somebody literally just printed while I was talking so now my printer is being really loud.
You can’t hear it but I can hear it and it’s distracting.
Maybe you can hear it I don’t know it’s so loud.
It’s really throwing me off my game for this intro.
Let’s see the theme song and see if the printing stops.
Your Daily Lex There’s actually no reason for the printers to be in my office.
They could be anywhere because they’re on Wi-Fi.
They’re not plugged into anything other than electricity but every time I have suggested moving them since people need to print things sometimes I guess and it’s super loud especially if I’m on a call.
I met with Manoa but printers go in an office and I guess there’s an argument that printers go in an office but they also don’t have to be here.
So it’s annoying and they’re here and I don’t like it and the thing that was just printed did not need to be printed because it could have been signed electronically and would have been fine but it’s already done and we’re just gonna move on we’re gonna move on with our days and we’re not gonna dwell.
Those of you following the saga of the past couple days about the local school district and its anti trans kids policies it’s already being sued by the state of New Jersey for those policies since of course as I’ve mentioned they violate New Jersey state law.
If you’re interested you can feel free to write to Governor Murphy and tell him how great it is that his his state is successfully suing my school district which knew it was going to get sued and is stupid.
Anyway I’m going to France tomorrow and as I had mentioned on this podcast a little while back I considered recording a bunch of episodes to make sure you didn’t miss your your daily Lex fix while I was gone.
I’m not going to I’m gonna run out of time and as I’ve mentioned I get stressed out sometimes because they publish earlier than Hull Shawl at once and that’s annoying especially if I flighted them out.
So you’re gonna you’re gonna miss your daily Lex fix for for a week and I think that’s sad but I think it’ll be okay.
We’ll get it back don’t worry because once I’m back I’ll have all kinds of stories.
Now I might do the rest in a French accent.
Actually we’ve pretty meticulously planned this France trip.
We might have to cut the catacombs because you need to get catacombs tickets in advance and that was kind of hard to do and we failed.
But we’ve got a pretty good itinerary and I have been reading you know how do you best handle you know culture in France and in Paris specifically and they do warn you to watch out not for pickpockets exactly but for tourist scammers that is those who scam tourists not tourists who themselves are scammers although maybe there’s some of the retort still like not taking things that people are just waiting to be handing you or picking up things that people dropped whatever fine that’s easy.
I’m also encouraged from what I’ve read to start by speaking in French to French people which makes sense and let them immediately recognize that you’re not good at French and switch to English.
I’m the one with the most French experience I did take five years of French in high school in junior high school I guess.
Nobody else my family really speaks French at all beyond maybe bonjour and rendezvous and RSVP but I don’t know it’s so awkward to talk in French to people who could potentially respond in French and then they’ll talk fast and with better accents than mine I mean everybody’s accent is better than mine when it comes to French English American accent I’m nailing it I’m nailing my American English accent not my English English accent that was not as good but so yeah we’ll be in France so apologies and if you want to break into my house you should know it has a lot of cameras and an alarm system I happen to have family members specifically my parents who don’t tell anybody when they’re traveling less you know especially on the internet less people go and break into their home which I’ve done every time they travel because they do tell me so every time they go I go and I just rearrange like three things and so far they haven’t noticed as far as I can tell anyway Liam and I have been hard at work on album three our third album hence you know my describing this album three we have two other kids and family friendly albums out there and this third one is going each one gets a little bit slower I think in the creation process not because of a lack of creativity in either of our parts but because of increase in perfectionism particularly on maybe exclusively on Liam’s part listen there are things that annoy us on the first two albums and so those are in my mind and I try to make sure that we avoid those problems on successive albums but Liam really wants these to be really musical and really complicated stuff but man some of the things coming together for that album are great there’s a song that I think will be the best song in the world the very best song and I think that because it’s called currently it’s called the best song in the world it might change its name a little bit but that’s the idea and it is the best song in the world that you’re listening to right then whenever you listen to it which is the point of the song but I’m excited for you to hear that one man on that one alone Liam’s playing piano drums guitar bass guitar and saxophone so yeah quite quite a few things going listen he always plays all the music but this time he’s actually playing each of those instruments not using a keyboard to stand in for them crazy anyway I don’t know if I have an episode tomorrow or not we don’t leave until Friday night so my hunch is I will have an episode but we’ll see how crazy and hectic the day gets my guess is somewhat anyway happy Thursday everybody we’ll talk soon Lex