By this time tomorrow, as I’m recording this, and potentially as you’re listening to it depending on how quickly you listen, I’ll be in the car maybe even approaching the camp where my oldest already is and where my other two are joining as of Saturday.

So one kid, Ani, is already at camp and two more kids, Liam and Sierra, are going to camp on Saturday and then they’ll all be together there for three weeks.

So it’s very soon and the younger two are mostly packed.

So Liam, as you may recall, has really bad vision.

Like he can’t see, except when he’s wearing his glasses and then he can see just fine.

He loves his glasses.

They’re the very first thing he puts on his face when his day starts and he takes them off about one half second before climbing into bed.

Because of this, Liam always wears a watch to sleep because he can’t see his clock, which is a pretty short distance from his bed on his nightstand or whatever, but he can’t see it from bed without glasses.

So he relies on a watch.

It’s actually a Fitbit that he wears that he can put right up against his eyeball and see what time it is if he wakes up in the middle of the night or whatever.

He doesn’t take the Fitbit to camp because it’s not water resistant in any way and it’s, you know, you got to charge it and I don’t know.

So he doesn’t take the Fitbit to camp and a year ago we bought some cheapo digital watches from Amazon.

We bought, I think three of them, maybe even four of them and gave one to each kid and that’s what the kids took to camp.

We can’t find Liam’s.

I know one of the, I think we bought three.

One of the three died.

One of the three is on Ani’s wrist and the other one is just missing, I guess now, although it served Liam well last summer.

So now what I decided, uh, this was only pointed out to me last night that Liam couldn’t find the digital watch, which I don’t really fault him for.

He would have taken it off at the end of camp last summer and we probably put it somewhere to remember and nobody knows what that place is.

So I went out to the store.

I went first to five below.

I was going to go to CVS, but I was talking to my buddy Andy and he’s like, Oh, I would try five below or target.

So into five below where everything costs $5 or fewer.

And uh, I looked around for a while.

They have all kinds of interesting things.

They have some iPhone cases that I thought were totally fine.

iPhone cases for five bucks.

And uh, finally asking at the register, Hey, do you carry any watches?

He’s like, well, we carry some watches for kids.

I’m like, yes, that’s what I would say.

But they don’t actually tell time.

It’s like, Oh, so like toy watches.



So I left, went to Target, looked all around.

Target, uh, could not find any wristwatches.

Finally ask somebody who works there.

Do you carry any wristwatches?


Here’s our Apple watches.

It’s like, no, no, no.

Do you carry any non-smart watches?

The closest thing we have to a non-smart watch is a Fitbit.


So I went to CVS.

Do you guys carry any watches?


It’s really hard to buy in person at least.

Just a regular old cheapo digital watch.

So a while ago, maybe probably two years ago, uh, when I was big into and sites of that ilk I bought, or maybe it was Meh, one of those, I think it was

I bought, um, a pair of really goofy non-name brand in quotes, smart watches, you know, watches that compare to your phone via Bluetooth and have big colorful screens.

So Liam’s going to take one of those to camp.

Why take that and not his Fitbit?

It’s still a watch that needs to charge whenever else, because this one was $10 and if it gets lost or broken, we’ll survive.

Uh, I hate him having to charge a thing at camp.

I think that’s annoying.

It means he has to have a bed by now and he has to remember to charge it and whatever.

And it’s also a little bit finicky to charge just because of the way the charger is built.

Like it requires the watch to defy gravity a bit through the power of magnets, but it’ll be fine.

It’ll be fine.

If I had more time, I could have ordered a different cheapo digital watch from Amazon because that is doable, but I didn’t find out until too late.

Um, yeah, so not going to happen.

I could also order one that delivers to him at camp.

I’m thinking all that right now, but then he’d have to set it by himself and that seems like a whole thing.

So probably not going to do that.

But anyway, man, if you want a dumb watch, good stinking luck.

That’s what I’m going to say anyway.

So yeah, big long drive tomorrow.

Uh, very intense Avenue Q rehearsal last night.

If you are in the tri-state area, uh, whatever tri-state area that you consider encompassing New Jersey and you haven’t yet bought tickets for Avenue Q, my friends hurry, they’re going to sell out.

Uh, but have a wonderful weekend.

Uh, when we talk again Monday, this will be an empty Nester house for three weeks.

Uh, well at that point, two weeks in the five days, I guess, cause we’re picking them up on the Saturday.


Two weeks, five days.

So get pumped.
