Not one not two, but three college stories about driving after some follow-up Which itself will come after the theme song which itself will come after I finish this sentence your Daily Lex Okay, first the follow-up I had two different people reach out to me After I had an episode not too long ago about my favorite color evolving how it used to be red and is now purple My two different people say they were having a similar kind of journey with favorite colors And both of them use a similar phrase to each other that they felt guilt.

They felt guilt to their old favorite color That’s why I’m here to relieve you of that guilt.

If your favorite color has evolved or is evolving over time.

It’s okay It is not a disservice or mistreatment of your old favorite color.

It’s just your own growth and development as a person You’re allowing yourself to be open to change and and you’re you’re being true to yourself, right?

Who you are and what you think might change.

So there you go.

Change your favorite colors Okay, three college stories about driving or three stories about driving in college Freshman year second half of freshman year my buddy Eli whose last name was also Friedman, but he spells with two E’s He calls me on the phone and he’s like, hey, do you have Jake’s number?

Already, that’s weird because at Brandeis at least at the time you could use a dialet by name thing, right?

You would dial the right thing and then you could just start spelling the person’s name.

It would call them was great I never had to know anybody’s phone number because that worked but Eli apparently knows he’s like you have Jake summer like sure But why do you need Jake’s number?

It’s like well we need to put together a team of four for the the humor magazine gravity for its scavenger hunt and I thought he’d be good fourth and I’m like, hey Eli dick.

That’s what I said What about me?

He’s like, oh, it’s a great idea.

Why don’t you be our fourth?

So I was his fourth and We hopped in Eli’s car.

We actually drove to Eli’s house because he lived not too far from Brandeis We got various embarrassing things from his mom that she had available for us for the end Scavenger hunt when I say embarrassing thing from his mom One of the things on the list was crotchless underwear and she gave us two bears So that’s always been funny to me and I’ve never let you I forget But you could get a lot of points if you took a picture of your team By like a welcome to Massachusetts sign So we drive to the edge of the state and we take a picture by the welcome messages Then we see you can get even more points if you take a picture of your team by the welcome to Canada sign So it’s a weekend.


Let’s do that.

We don’t have a map.

It’s too early in the world for GPS to be available So we decide we’re just gonna follow signs that say north and we kept following signs that said north until we started seeing signs for Canada and then we went To the Canadian border at that time.

I guess this would have been 1999 You didn’t even need you know, just just your license was enough to get over the border But we get to the border and the guys like the Canadian border agents like what’s your business in Canada?

And we’re like we’re gonna take pictures by that sign that says welcome to Canada He’s like no, you got to stay here longer than that.

They told us fun things to do in Canada So we spent I don’t know eight ten hours in Canada and then drove home again by following signs for South That’s driving story.

Number one driving story.

Number two.

I was in an a cappella group.

I was actually two a cappella groups I really lived the life of those pitch-perfect movies.

I competed at Lincoln Center.

I did the whole thing But I was in the Jewish a cappella group that was called Mangina and we did a tour of the East Coast We rented a van to drive the whole a cappella group from tour date to tour date or from stop to stop And at one point we were driving through a snowstorm.

It was totally blinding You couldn’t even see the lane markings, especially at the front windshield for whatever reason visibility sometimes could be a little bit better out of the back so I was driving this whole a cappella group and it was the job Of people in the back to tell me if I was in the lanes or not as we drove along the road It was dumb.

It was not safe.

We may even knew that it was dumb enough safe.

We did anyway kids don’t do that But I still I still have flashbacks But I can still hear the voice of you’re drifting Drifting left drifting right and that’s how you could stay centered in the line by having these two people in the back At the very back of this giant van tell you if you were in the lanes are not terrible driving story number three I believe it’s It’s certainly summer might be after Graduate I guess wasn’t after graduation because I left everybody so maybe was junior year End of junior year going into senior year brain ice has a road that goes around the campus.

They creatively called peripheral road I’m driving on peripheral road and Suddenly a woman crashes into me Just crashes into my basically stopped car and then pulls back from crashing into me and starts driving away and I’m like, nope, that doesn’t work.

So I start chasing this lady on foot I abandoned my car which was still very drivable, but I abandoned and start running on foot.

I’m in sandals or flip-flops I lose both I chase her down for whatever reason she turns into a parking lot that she doesn’t want And you know it makes a little bit of a you and that gives me time to catch up to her Before she exits to you and I pound on her door pound pound pound on the window and she’s like what and I’m like you Just crashed into me.

She’s like, no, I didn’t and I guess you didn’t just like I have to get to the film festival again That’s another sentence and phrase and tone of voice that’s seared into my memory I have to get to the film festival and there was a film festival on campus that day and she didn’t want to get There but I’ve stopped her and there’s you know Campus police have seen some of this or students have seen some of it But either way in within seconds campus police are there and like what’s going on and they talk to her And she keeps yelling at them that she has to go to the film festival I’m showing them my car She’s like I didn’t crash into anything and they’re like you very clearly did like look at the look at the damage to his car Look at the damage to your car She keeps telling the police officers I have to get to the film and they’re like man We’ll get you to the film festival as soon as we can eventually, you know, they take down all the reports They do whatever they’re gonna do.

She does get to go ahead to the film festival.

My insurance company later told me that you know her insurance company covered everything and That she lost her license and that was fair by the way, she was 10,000 years old and didn’t even know that she’d crashed into somebody Hopefully was a good film festival.

Anyway, as promised three stories Almost five minutes really six minutes.

But what are you gonna do?

Happy Thursday Lex