There was a time when I could sleep late like before I had kids I could sometimes sleep late on a weekend or whatever I recall times, you know again pre-kid So it’s a long time ago where I could sleep until 9 maybe even 10 if I had been up late, whatever I lost that ability when I had kids.

Let me explain Your Daily Lex So obviously there’s the part of you know A very young kid that messes with your sleep schedule.

Everybody knows that and maybe many people deal with what I dealt with too But I started getting to a thing where you know, sometimes you would Yeah, I’d be asleep and then I’d open my eyes and there’d be a very young child Maybe you know two or three who had toddled over to my bedside Climbed out of their own bed and come over to my bed and stood next to me and I open her eyes and it’s creepy right Or sometimes, you know You could just hear a sound in the night and know that the kid was upset and need to go to them in their room If you know, that’s where they were So I got really good at like hearing my kids rouse and having that be a thing that woke me up Then my kids started having schools school days that started earlier earlier school bus pickups that came earlier and earlier Boy, I’m really good at speaking earlier and earlier.

I can say those words diction the neat night ate a newt I don’t know what I’m doing.


So anyway, I would start waking up earlier and I had to get used to waking up earlier to deal with my kids and And Then I lost the ability to ever sleep late and they say it’s healthier on the weekends You know If you always get up at 630 they get up as exerting the weekends to because you know Give your body one sleep cycle But like I could never sleep past Somewhere between six and seven when I need to take my kids to the bus.

I got to get up at 620 At least I was last school year But I was waking up, you know between 620 and 640 every day, even though the days I didn’t have to it was frustrating And it could deal with it.

But the other thing was I was always tired And as I was noticing that I’m always tired I didn’t know if this was a problem of aging or a health thing.

And so I saw my doctor who said hey, you’re healthy But maybe we could improve your sleep and like well, I’m really good at falling asleep, which is true.

I can Go into bed and close my eyes and fall asleep pretty quickly 99% of the time and I stay asleep, you know, I don’t wake up in the night.

I don’t get up in the night to pee so far And I You know, I I stay asleep until I wake up too early and So I had a doctor who recommended that I try something that just helps me stay asleep longer not like I have a forming sleeping pill not a true sleeping pill like Ambien that makes you also be a crazy person I guess but Suggested I try a thing that I’m taking called hydroxyzine I can’t remember if I already talked about this on your daily lecture or not, but hopefully I’m giving you new color or new insights I’m also simultaneously now while recording looking up to see if I had an episode about sleep recently But anyway, I think this pill that I’m also on a very low dose.

It doesn’t look to me like I spoke about this already But it’s kind of like an anti-histamine.

It is anti-histamine.

I’m just not taking it for anti-histaminical Purposes it’s too maniacal.

Let’s go with that but You know, it’s kind of like taking a souped-up Benadryl.

I guess it’s a pillar To reduce anxiety whatever else but I take it maybe 30 minutes before I want to go to sleep and then the crazy thing is I now sleep until 745 or 815 or 830.

It’s crazy It’s crazy because that hasn’t happened for me in I don’t know 15 plus years and It’s super restful.

The reason I was really concerned I don’t know if I ever finished this thought before is I said I was worried about feeling tired all the time I didn’t like that But the the biggest symptom was sometimes when I was driving in the daytime I would start to get a little bit sleepy and I did not think that was good That’s a scary thing to to start to nod off while you’re driving a car in the middle of the day and So the doctor prescribes me this pill and you know, the crazy thing is it works Um the same way that I was amazed when my headache shot worked, which indeed it does I was amazed when this thing worked I can take this pill and then I I sleep longer and then I’m less tired and Sometimes now I only have one coffee a day.

I mean listen, it’s more fun to have two coffees a day Let’s be real, but I don’t always need that second coffee sometimes I’ve had a lot of late nights recently because of rehearsal for the for Avenue Q that starts this weekend and I come home and if I can schedule my day so that it starts a little bit later like today My first meeting wasn’t until 1030 I could set things up where I can come home and take that even though it’s getting I’m getting home a little bit after midnight Take that pill sleep until 745 or 8 and like feel freaking great.

It didn’t matter how late I go to sleep I was always waking up in that six handle and now I’m not so hooray for medicine I guess and hooray for sleep and hooray for kids Like I don’t listen I’m not saying the kids should deeply regret how much they messed with my sleep cycle and required that I used Medication to be able to sleep better.

I’m not saying they should harbor any guilt for that.

It’s not their fault Really?

I think it sounds like I’m being sarcastic, but I swear I’m being sincere Happy Wednesday Lex