You know the mistake I made?

I’ll tell you the mistake I made.

The mistake I made this morning was thinking, wow, I have a somewhat relaxed day at work today.

And as soon as I thought that, I thought, boy, I screwed that up just now, didn’t I?

And indeed I did.

It has been a very hectic morning here at Your Daily Lex headquarters, but I have breathing room for a moment now, so let’s do a podcast.

Your Daily Lex.

I decided that what I was dealing with yesterday was DOMS, delayed onset muscle soreness, and I still have some soreness left today, but it’s fine.

I’m going to be fine.

Nobody worry about me.

So yeah, Avenue Q, we have an invited dress rehearsal tonight.

What does that mean?

It means it’s basically, it’s mini opening night.

It’s not open to the public, but all the theaters, subscribers, season pass holders, whatever, they get to come watch tonight’s dress rehearsal, which I think will run like a show, but I think things are in pretty good shape.

There’s definitely a moment in the show where, in that song called Loud as the Hell, you can be as loud as the hell you want when you’re making love.

There’s a decent amount of friskiness in that song.

Fortunately for me and my love interest slash fiance slash wife in the show, said intimacy is in silhouette form, but it is graphic, and the fact that my oldest is going to go see the show in a little more than a week is funny.

I gave both of the older two kids the option to go see the show, and Sierra thought about it and decided, you know, I don’t want to in the end of the day, or at the end of the day, or at any time.

Sierra would love to see the show.

She thought it could be fun and funny.

She knows all the most appropriate songs or semi-appropriate songs, but she decided she didn’t love the idea of seeing all of it.

Ani, though, was like, sign me up.

I want to go.

So Ani’s going, and I was going solo.

Ani will know other people at the theater, but is not sitting with them or traveling with them, whatever, so good times.

There’s also a wedding scene in the show where I get married, spoiler alert, and my fiancee slash wife in the show and I have been doing a big hug at the end of each wedding, but tonight, before the run, we’re going to finally choreograph the smooch, and man, can’t wait.

No, I mean, it’s funny, because like, obviously, actors have to do with kissing scenes or far more intimate love scenes than anybody has to do in this show all the time, and it’s fine, but it’s also super awkward for everybody involved.

However, with this one, my hope and expectation is we’re going to go for comedy.

In the show, my character, Brian, is afraid of his girlfriend, fiancee, wife, and I don’t know, she intimidates him and yells at him at every opportunity.

So when I was discussing with the director that we should do this wedding kiss, we have a sort of Jewish wedding, but she stomps on the glass, which is a joke, at least for the Jewish folks in the audience, because it’s really the groom who would typically break the glass at the wedding, but I said it would be funny if she dipped me, so I think that’s what’s going to happen.

I think it’s going to get a laugh, so there you go.

Kissy, kissy.

I intend to eat all the most garlicky foods I can before each kissing scene just to make sure that nobody enjoys it.

That’s not true.

Nobody will enjoy it anyway, but so we’ve got that going on.

Like I said, it’s been a very hectic morning here.

What else can I tell you?

I’ve got the show tonight, show Saturday, a matinee Sunday, and then a week off.

We do a brush-up rehearsal next Thursday, and then one show Friday, two Saturday, and one Sunday, so that’ll be the run.

And then I’ll, I don’t know, never perform in Avenue Q again.

Who knows?

I’m not giving up my chance to get to control a puppet in the show one day, but who knows?

It’s that or Little Shop of Horrors, and I don’t want to control the puppet in Little Shop of Horrors.

I want to do the voice of the plant in Little Shop of Horrors.

I always want to do the voice of the plant in Little Shop of Horrors, and instead I always get Mr.

Bushnick, the old Jewish bearded guy.

I don’t know why they keep putting me in that role.

Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful weekend planned.

If you’re in the tri-state area surrounding New Jersey and you don’t come see Avenue Q, I just want you to know you can still be a fan of your daily Lex, but you are technically dead to me.

