Style wrapped.

That was a thing that happened.

Uh, I’ll tell you the truth.

I had some nice people comment and write to me about how they were impressed by their freestyle wrapping.

I, I think it was fine.

I do not think it was great.

Uh, but certainly if people had been out of their minds and people were like, wow, that freestyle wrapping you did on yesterday’s really likes was so great.

I would absolutely just do it all the time.

I find it delightful.

Uh, probably going to do it maybe, maybe somewhere around like once a month.

There’s like once a week feels like too much once a month fumes, like maybe kind of the sweet spot.

I did watch another Harry Mack video today.

And then I spent the past four minutes freestyling just for myself, uh, in response to texts that I was receiving, just because I wanted to work that muscle some more, even though I wasn’t recording it for this podcast.

But, uh, I did spit some fire.

I just want you to know.

Anyway, let’s do today’s episode.

So yesterday when I’d been planning the freestyle wrap, I did post, I’m asked it on say, Hey, by the way, if anybody ever has any ideas of things for me to cover on the show, let me know.

Uh, and some people did hit me up, um, uh, after it was too late for, for my recording.

Uh, but, uh, listener TK posed the question, what was your favorite thing to do with your kids that they grew out of?

That’s a really interesting question.

Um, the first was just have them constantly be amazed and delighted by me at all times.

You know, they outgrow that as they should.

Uh, they should recognize that, uh, I am imperfect just as they are, which is fine.

Um, but, uh, the thing that struck me immediately when I saw that question come in from TK was how much I liked putting my kids to bed.

Now I still put my kids to bed, but it’s not the same thing.

Uh, I actually really appreciate that even at, you know, 16 and 14 and 12, my kids want me to put them to bed and they appreciate that we take that time.

Uh, but I miss when they were very little babies and we had a bedtime routine and we had it in part because they didn’t know how to go to sleep, right?

What meaning they still needed help in going from that state of wakefulness to that state of sleepy time and, uh, being the person who could help them do that.

Like, Hey, here’s a book and here’s a song and here’s another song and here’s some gentle, whatever.

Uh, when it got past the point of being scared to, you know, put you in the crib or to leave the room, uh, because you would just stay asleep, like your body understood what to, your brain knew what to do.

I liked that thing of being the person to help you make that transition.

They don’t need that help anymore because they’re self-sufficient humans, uh, which is good and which is what I want for them.

But still I miss that part of, of easing them into that.

Uh, there were some games that they liked when they were kids that I hated, right?

So I don’t miss Candyland or shoots and ladders, which were games that have no skill at all.

Uh, um, but you know, now I get to play chess with Liam.

Um, honestly, I think we don’t play enough games.

Um, leave when I play Stratego, we play some card games, we play chess.

Uh, the other two were just a little bit less into it.

I’ve always loved board games, uh, particularly ones where you have to do some thinking or strategy or fun, goofy stuff, whatever that aren’t just random chance.

Uh, so I’d love to figure out more ways to do that.

Now my kids do enjoy Jackbox games, but sometimes they get a little bit too competitive and Lauren, for whatever reason, doesn’t really like Jackbox games all that much.

Um, at least not with the kids.

Again, I think because of how competitive they get, especially the ones where you have to kind of vote for somebody, Jack, if you’re not familiar, by the way, Jackbox games are video games that are kind of like party board games.

Uh, but, um, ones where you have to vote for your favorite thing.

Uh, my kids don’t always like, because they get sad if you don’t vote for theirs.

And then Liam never likes any of the drawing games.

So it’s a whole thing.

It gets complicated, but I don’t know.

Uh, I guess that’s, those are the two things that I thought of, right.

Was helping them go to sleep and then not, not the candy lands of the world, but like times when they were all interested in playing a board game together, like the game of life, mostly luck based, but there were other games that we could play and we’d do it in groups of three or four, even five.

And those are fun.

Those are fun things.

Um, I also just want to give a, I guess the kids would call it a shout out, uh, to some people who wrote nice things to me about the wrapping, including, including, um, Jared and Phil on Mastodon who said nice things.

And then somebody on thread said nice things too, but I can’t remember who it was because there is no threads web app and I’m recording on my computer.

Uh, so anyway, thanks to all of you.

Speaking of Mastodon, I complained on Mastodon about a week or so ago about, uh, feeling sucked in, suckered in by a movie that I watched and was really bad.

Uh, and it started Tom Hanks and Emma Watson and Patton Oswalt.

And I figured how bad could this movie be like, that’s a great cast.

This must be good.

It was called the circle who was streaming on HBO max, sorry, max.

Uh, and it’s based on a day beggars book that people really like.

Uh, and it’s about, you know, future tech gone wrong.

Um, the movie is terrible.

Like it’s just, it’s not fun.

It’s not interesting.

It’s not well done.

It’s poorly paced.

Uh, and I was saying on Mastodon and I was saying to some friends in person, you know, those, those actors should all feel bad.

Those are some A-list actors and they should feel bad that they made this movie.

And the counter argument here was another shouldn’t feel bad.

They’ve brought so much joy to the world.

Uh, so they shouldn’t feel bad at all.

Um, they just, they just made a clunker and I, I can see that argument.

Um, and a shout out to another person on Mastodon who shared with me, uh, his philosophy, which was that, um, uh, this was from a guy named Yogan said, I have a rule that if a modern era movie has a great cast and I’ve not heard anything good about it, it must be awful.

I think there’s some logic to that.

I hadn’t really heard anything about that movie and it does have that big name cast in there.

And so that’s, that’s probably a good sign that it’s a bad movie.

So I regret the time I spent watching it.

Don’t watch the circle, the movie, do watch the circle, the Netflix TV series.

If you like dumb reality TV, which I typically don’t, but I like that show.

Anyway, that’s a, your daily Lex for Wednesday.

Uh, enjoy the rest of your week.

I mean, we’ll talk again tomorrow.

Don’t panic.
