Boy, long weekends are pretty great, huh?

Yes, the answer is yes, they are.

And school officially starts tomorrow.

For a time I was confused and thought school started today, but it starts tomorrow, except Sierra had to go to orientation today, which sort of happened.

Your Daily Lex.

So, you know, we’ve been slowly inching up bedtimes, making them earlier, having kids get ready to start waking up very early, like today we had Liam wake up at 6.30, because tomorrow for school he’s gonna wake up at six.

We had him go to bed a little bit earlier last night and the night before and the night before and the night before.

But Sierra had to do a full on dry run today, because it’s a couple hour day at school, not even half day, because they don’t want it to count as a school day, because it’s not a school day.

It’s just orientation for incoming freshmen at the high school.

And so you have to get up on the bus at the normal bus time.

In Sierra’s case, that meant that we were going to the bus for a 6.20 something, pick up 6.22, I think.

And so of course we went in a few minutes early.

I got up at six to be ready to take Sierra to the bus.

And the bus didn’t come, the bus didn’t come, the bus didn’t come.

So I’m trying one number for the high school.

Lauren tried a different number for the busing company that we had to figure out of the busing company, which town or which township it was associated with, because it’s not just the name of the school.

But we eventually reached somebody.

He’s like, oh yeah, the bus driver’s behind.

He just is making his first pickup.

But then 15 or 20 more minutes go by.

And so we call him again.

He’s like, yeah, he’s actually in your development now, which indeed he was.

Sierra was the second kid on the bus of two.

There should have been more than two kids on the bus, but many abandoned ship when the bus driver was this late.

He was 50 minutes late, 5.00.

We didn’t want a driver for a couple of reasons.

One, it’s a half an hour away, so it’s annoying.

Two, part of the reason they’re doing this orientation is because the kids don’t know the school yet.

And where you do parent drop-off is different from where the buses drop off.

And I wanted her to know where to go, know how to go from where the buses drop you off to your first class of the day or whatever.

I kind of regret it.

I probably should have just driven her at some point.

But what did that bus experience?

The bus driver, Sierra, was texting us to be like, to tell us like, he was lost.

He didn’t know what he was doing.

He kept pulling over to look at a map.

He had gone the wrong way at least a couple of times.

At one point, the dispatch, when we were talking to them before he arrived, was trying to say, oh, there’s a lot of traffic today.

There is no traffic at six o’clock in the morning, Tuesday, at least none that would interfere with this bus and its route.

But yeah, Sierra was pretty understandably frustrated and like had friends texting, we’re at school, while she was still not even on the bus was the whole thing.

And I’m very curious what will happen because this guy clearly had not done a practice route, had not run it at all.

And apparently there’s a GPS they’re supposed to use that they can pre-program all the stops in.

And he clearly wasn’t.

At some point, Sierra was saying he got yelled at by dispatch radioing into him.

And he’s like, no, no, I’m on my way to this school now.

And they’re like, you’re not using the GPS.

And he started using the GPS.

Great, whatever, wonderful.

So we’ll see how it goes tomorrow when it’s the real first day.

And I have two kids going on that bus, but apparently there were multiple kids, like six or seven kids on the bus to go home, but the bus wouldn’t leave because the school wouldn’t let any of the buses leave until all the buses were there.

So even though Sierra’s bus was there and ready to go, they wouldn’t let the bus go because two buses were still missing.

And apparently the bus wouldn’t run AC or doesn’t have AC.

And so it was extremely hot while they sat on the bus waiting.

So just a crappy, frustrating situation all the way around.

And, oh, well, what a pain in the butt.

But I really do feel for Sierra.

I did order brunch for Sierra, who I believe is starving because she said so.

So when she comes home, brunch will be here for her.

So hooray for Sierra.

It was a vibrant three-day weekend.

We hosted people on Saturday and Sunday.

Is that right?

No, we hosted people on Sunday and Monday.

Yeah, we used Saturday as a prep day.

On Sunday, we had 40-something people here.

It was interesting because I had a couple of different groups of friends.

I had friends who are just like friends’ friends.

I had friends who are improv friends.

I had friends who were theater friends.

Lauren had friends who were theater friends.

And it was interesting to see how groups did and didn’t mix and match.

And it’s okay.

Like, I get it.

I’d hang out with people who I know.

And I was trying to be like a little bit of glue or introduce people to each other or get them talking or whatever.

I think it was a success.

I received some very lovely thank you notes, which you don’t always get when you host, which you don’t even need when you host.

But I got some very lovely thank you notes that made me feel good about hosting.

And then yesterday was family.

And that was just pure chaos.

Too many little kids.

No, just enough.

Wonderful number of little kids that were not in any way extremely annoying and taxing.

I’m hoping yesterday wasn’t the last pool day of the summer because I’d like a little bit more pool time before we close it up, but who knows?

Anyway, it’s Tuesday, not Monday.

Try to keep that in mind and have a great week.
