Let’s talk for just a moment about Casey Liss.

You know, if you’re an Apple nerd or a podcasting, Apple podcasting nerd, you know who Casey is.

Casey is the co-host of a show called Accidental Tech Podcast with John Siracusa and hang on, I’ll get it, Marco, Marco Arma.

And he’s also a occasional blogger and a beloved app developer and also just a beloved human.

I really like Casey.

I haven’t spent that much time in person with Casey, but when I do, it’s delightful.

And it happened somewhat recently when I was in Richmond just a month or two back.

I got to spend some time with him because he lives here in Virginia.

I will be on a podcast next week with Casey, which he may or may not know already.

And he was kind enough to post to me on Mastodon with a suggestion for a topic for today’s episode, which I intend to honor.

♪ Your Daily Lex ♪ Casey had a little, I think for a while, there was kind of an ongoing joke in the earlier days of Accidental Tech Podcast that he was like, he was the third host or the odd man out in some way, because John and Marco were a little bit more internet famous than Casey was when that show first started.

I never loved those jokes, although I probably still made them.

But I would say at this point, Casey has established himself as a internet famous all on his own.

But he and I used to joke or be joked about, I probably both, because I too am in some ways the third man on a tech podcast.

Because I have a host, I have a host.

I have a show with, what are the names?

I’ll get it.

Dan Morin and John Maltz, that’s who it is.

Every tech podcast with three hosts needs a John.

And Maltz is ours, and it’s a lovely option.

But no, I mean, but he and I were in some ways third men together.

And I think at one point we probably even joked about co-hosting a podcast called Third Men.

I did try to get Casey to do a podcast with me where he would watch the West Wing because he’s never seen the West Wing, and I think he would like the West Wing.

He mostly said no.

And instead I do a podcast about Aaron Sorkin with my good pal, Brian Warren.

So Casey’s loss is my and Brian Warren’s gain.

Anyway, Casey suggested that I talk about this question on an episode of your Daily Lax.

Which state would you enjoy living in that you haven’t already lived in?

It’s that last part, that qualifier that really trips things up.

Confusion, ecstasy, ecstasy.

I would enjoy living in the state of ecstasy.

So what are the states I have lived in?

Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, California.

Briefly, Arizona was my permanent residence.

Although I would never say that I actually really lived there.

I was thinking I was gonna say California until I remember the part of the question that said, you haven’t already lived there.

I was so glad to leave California when I did.

I had issues with both the people and the traffic.

And I guess the earthquakes to a degree.

But now there’s horrible weather thanks to climate change everywhere.

So there you go.

But this is a really interesting question.

I can recite all 50 states in alphabetical order.

I don’t think that would help answer the question.

The ones that immediately come to mind, and I haven’t thought this through yet, are actually Alaska.

I don’t like the cold.

So that would be one knock against it.

But everybody I know who lives in Alaska loves living in Alaska.

So it’s one that I at least would consider.

But I probably wouldn’t do it.

I guess the two that I’m thinking of that aren’t Alaska are Hawaii.

Because it seems like it would be just lovely.

Maybe too expensive, but lovely.

In case you didn’t list price as a concern.

But I guess he’s saying which state would I actually wanna live in.

But anyway, Hawaii comes to mind.

And Colorado, where I don’t have a ton of experience.

But Colorado seems like it has that ability to kind of be, if you’re not up in the skiing areas, to be a lovely temperate place all year round.

And I say this because, I don’t even know when this was.

I don’t even know who it was.

But within the past 12 to 18 months, I literally remember it was while I was at Wondery or while I was independent.

I had a Zoom call with an old colleague who I hadn’t seen in years, who during the pandemic had moved his whole family to Colorado.

And was living on this massive piece of land and was working outside.

And it was not like summertime.

But it was like, yeah, just the, I don’t know, the way the humidity works or something.

Something about it.

And he’s like, no, it’s great.

You can just sit outside all year round.

It’s lovely.

And it was beautiful and lush.

And I thought, well, that seems nice.

I could do that.

So that’s another one that I would consider.

I like cheese, so Wisconsin.

Just kidding.

It should be very clear that no matter where I moved, I would remain a Philadelphia Eagles fan.

And I’m gonna go with those two.

Casey was making the case for Virginia, where Casey lives.

I think the thing that’s most appealing to me about Virginia is Casey.

I don’t have anything specifically against Virginia.

It just also doesn’t have any specific draw for me.

Now I am gonna pause and go through all 50 states in alphabetical order in my head to see if there’s anything I left out.

Okay, I’m back.

Had Florida not been ruined by politics, that would be one that I would consider.

But I don’t know.

A lot of people who live there complain about how unbearable it can get.

I don’t know if there’s a saying that to keep us out or what.

And actually Nevada, like not for Las Vegas, but just because of its Nevadaness, I think that could be fun too.

But if I had to pick right now, I think I’m gonna go with Colorado, having done very little research.
