Follow-ups, we have follow-ups, and we have whatever else comes to mind, but I know for sure we have follow-ups, so here’s the following up of the, you know, here’s the follow-ups.

I re-listened to my intro before I started recording the rest of the show, which is unusual.

I don’t typically do that, and I think I sound slightly unhinged, but that’s fine.

A couple people reached out to me to ask what happened in the ELF audition.

It went very well.

I got some fun questions while I was there.

I did go crazy.

I was very cheery and joyful and delightful, and I waved to them like a two-year-old, and I threw candy at them, like gave, lobbed, threw candy to them, not at them.

And when I was finished, they asked if I could also sing my song again, which again was Holly Jolly Christmas, as a person who hates Christmas, which I did very sarcastically and morosely, and instead of waving to them like a, and as you know, every time I mention waving, I’m doing the waving, but instead of waving to them like a little kid who’s super excited, I flipped double birds at them instead, so that was funny, to me at least.

It appears they actually had already cast the role of Buddy.

It’s fine.

Everything’s fine.

But I expect to hear back from that show, which there are other roles that I’d be intrigued by sometime in the next couple of days.

And then there’s also Adam’s family, which I’m also waiting to hear back from and expect to know more on by the beginning of next week, let’s say, or by early next week.

So a couple different show options out there, and more to report once it’s reportable.

Right now there’s nothing to report on, other than hope, optimism, and you know, all those emotions that go along with auditioning.

It is funny at auditions to hear the other songs that people do, and to come out and they’ve heard you, and they’re like, hey, nice choice.

Like there was one guy, when I finished, when I came in, he’s like, man, I wasn’t expecting to hear Christmas carols this early.

And that was funny, it was cute.

So as you may recall, I host a podcast with my pal, Brian Warren, who’s going to be excited because he got mentioned on the show twice in two days.

We do a show called Sorkin in it.

The first season was all about the 10 movies written by Aaron Sorkin.

And now we are watching the newsroom and reviewing each episode.

And one early episode, maybe even episode two of the podcast, it could have been three, I don’t remember which, I think it was three, episode three.

I did not successfully record my side of the conversation, as you may or may not know.

When you record a podcast, that’s a multi-ender, typically each person on the podcast records their side so they can get their true microphone, even if they’re connected via Skype or Zoom or whatever.

And then you can merge the two recordings and align them, so you get everybody’s best crispest recording.

I failed to record my local side when we recorded season two, episode three of Sorkin, and it was just season one, episode three of the newsroom.

And so we had to use the Zoom track supplemented with Brian’s original track, and it was very embarrassing.

So when we recorded episode four, I made a big show, a big to-do, a big meal out of making sure I was recording.

And then today, a couple weeks after that recording session, that was September 6th, today’s September 15th, Brian texted me and he’s like, where’s your recording for episode four?

And my heart sank.

I could see episode five on my computer, I could see episode three on my computer, I could not find episode four.

And I was like, I know I recorded it.

And I have the Zoom backup recording again, which is our whole conversation.

I thought I had set things in my Zoom to record each person individually, but that only works if we record locally with Zoom, and I had recorded through the cloud this whole day.

But I’m really freaking out.

I’m like, Brian, I’m watching the video recording from Zoom, and I say, boy, I’m not gonna screw that up ever again.

Here I am pressing record, here goes my file.

But it’s nowhere.

I was doing everything possible on my Mac, I was looking at deleted files and backups, and I’m like, I don’t have the recording, I don’t know what to do.

And then Brian realized that he had deleted the file from Dropbox after I put it there.

Now I had checked, I thought I had checked deleted files with Dropbox, but I later realized I had done it incorrectly.

But once Brian mentioned that he realized he had deleted the file, I was able to restore it from the proper Dropbox folder.

What I was doing wrong was like looking at a list of deleted files, I had to go for whatever reason to the, I didn’t realize when I was looking at deleted files, it was just for the top level Dropbox folder I was looking at, and not all deleted files.

I had to go into the individual folder, and then I could see that deleted file.

But anyway, I restored it.

And then I was like, Brian, thank you so much for that incredible prank.

You really got me.

I was doubting everything I know about myself, and he’s like, yeah, I never thought you’d fall for it.

And I knew that he was kidding when he said this, but then Brian went on further to clarify.

You know that I’m not serious.

Like I did not remember that, I didn’t know that I had deleted the file, I was not pranking you.

And of course I knew that Brian wasn’t pranking me.

And what I also knew is that Brian is such a sweet guy that he wanted to make sure that I knew that he would never prank me, which indeed I did know, but now he knows I know.

So this is basically a love letter to Brian.

Anyway that’s all I got.

If you’re celebrating Rosh Hashanah, have a great Rosh Hashanah.

You’ve earned it.

And if you’re not celebrating Rosh Hashanah, have fun in hell.

I really wanted to do that with a straight face and failed.

If you’re not celebrating Rosh Hashanah, have a great weekend.


