Boy my list of topics keeps getting bigger and bigger for the show, which is good.

I like when I have topics And the thing I have to resist the urge.

I must tamp down tamp down.

I think it’s the word tamp Let’s all tamp together.

Let’s tamp but the urge to tamp down is oh I go I’m gonna put all of those topics in one episode because there’s no reason I have to put the foot story updates With the ref story or with the Benfold.

These are all their own stories.

So let’s let them live Let’s let them breathe and you should know I got more than a week’s worth of content coming your way Just not all this week because I’m not doing that to you.

Anyway enough tamping.

Let’s start vamping your Daily Lex All right, we’re gonna start with some follow-up because I have follow-up so we’re gonna follow up on the follow-up boy This episode was really be set by some technical difficulty somehow logic lost all of my settings for the track So if I sound slightly different today, that’s why And if it needs work, you’ll let me know No one’s ever shy about telling me when the audio quality is subpar last week I told you about this incident with glass.

Here’s a quick recap and I think it was a Tuesday morning Maybe it was a Wednesday.

Let’s go with Wednesday morning.

Sierra broke a glass downstairs Lauren cleaned it up.

I came downstairs after the kids had all gone to school.

I’m unloading the dishwasher I finished and then I left this true death Inspiring scream of pain like just really a loud scream of horror and pain and Lord’s like what just happened She’s yelling from upstairs and I’m like I assume glass And indeed there was some glass on my foot and we do our best to sterilize some Tweezers Lauren does her best to get some of the glass out.

I do my best to get some of the glass out And then we assume I’m good because we don’t see any more glass And then later in that day.

I have a little bit of pain oh my god, I hope there’s not more glass in there and then now it’s Thursday and I Seem, okay, and then Friday I feel like ma’am.

I really feel like there’s some glass on my foot still So I make an appointment to see my podiatrist later that day I go to the podiatrist later that day He’s like, okay.

Let’s take a look which foot and I’m like, oh my god I don’t even remember it’s so not bothering me right now that I don’t remember which foot it is Then I concluded that it was my right foot confirmed with Lauren that was the right foot and he looks all right He sees nothing.

He’s like, I don’t even see a cut Oh my god, there’s definitely a cut somewhere, but I can’t find it and he’s pushing all over the foot Does this hurt is this hurt is this earth?

There’s nothing there So he truly genuinely believes I am an insane person, but he says hey if the pain comes back or if you notice anything Open on Saturday to just come by we’ll treat it like this appointment great When I say we would treat it like this appointment and by the way It’s hours later from when I recorded everything prior to the sentence He was making very clear that making sure that I was understanding that if I had to come back the next day or any couple Days later that he wouldn’t charge me for an incremental appointment since he did nothing.

They clearly thought I was insane I mean, I felt insane given that I couldn’t even tell them the correct foot at first so now it’s Saturday in our story and it’s not bothering me at all and The appointment frankly from Friday is now but a distant memory of my shame at not knowing what foot I was there for And I hop on the Peloton tread.

I run a 5k feel fine Go to take my shower.

And as I step into the shower, I feel a really sharp pain in my foot And I’m like, oh my god, that’s the spot.

I Can see it.

I can see maybe after three miles of running I’ve moved things around a little bit But I can see where it is and I know where it hurts and I grab a permanent marker and I try to draw a giant Circle around the spot then I hold my foot really awkwardly while I shower because the shower is necessary.

I’ve just run three miles I am more sweat than man at this point So I can’t just go to the doctor But I call the doctor and they say I can come in as soon as I’m ready I shower I hold my foot up to make sure that the permanent marker doesn’t rinse away I was worried about like showering it off somehow.

It’s you know, it’s it’s temporarily permanent.

It’s it’s semi-permanent like brown hair so I go in and I get to the doctor’s office and it’s just him and his receptionist and First thing he says is so do you know which foot it is?

I’m like, yeah, I have I’ve circled for you I know and it just driving home how stupid they thought it was the previous day So I hop back on the exam table And he’s like I see what you’ve circled like I see that top I can’t really see any glass there It’s like I’d like to x-ray it but if I x-ray it glass won’t show up on the x-ray And so really I need to do an MRI, but they won’t let me do an MRI unless I x-ray it So it’s a waste of an x-ray, but it’s the only way that insurance will approve me doing the MRI So he’s looking at he’s thinking about it and it’s like I don’t see what I would assume to be glass there But let me let me try scraping it.

Let me try filing it like it was a bunion or something And he starts filing he’s like by the way, this should not hurt at all and I’m like, oh, well it does hurt a lot It’s like oh, that’s actually a good sign that tells me something’s there and then he’s like as I’m scraping it It’s making a sound that human skin should not make like there’s something there’s something not Skin and human there And then he’s like, huh?

Does it feel any better now?

And I’m like it feels different now.

I would not say it feels better He’s like, oh, I got something out But I think there’s probably still more there and he keeps going he keeps going and he’s like does it feel better now?

I’m like, wow instantly.

Yes instantly.

My foot feels like a totally different foot and then he shows me we look at the glass together and it was a not small piece of glass and we agreed that the Running for a while had somehow helped move things around or jostle it so that it was more visible and causing pain again And that that was a good thing.

So see exercise is good for you Lex