I started out this episode, you know, finally pressed record, sat down at the microphone, and I said something like, And I was like, well, look at that.

My first episode, it’s the first episode of the week, it’s a Monday, and I came out with gibberish.

And then I noticed that nothing was recording anyway, because of a different input device I’d been using earlier.

So no audio was captured of my mushy mouth start.

And so you never had to know, except that I told you.

But anyway, what I had been trying to say, fairly poorly, as it turns out, was it was a busy weekend, and it’s going to be a busy week.

And that’s prime fodder for this very podcast.

So let’s do it.

This very podcast starting now, that would have been a good name for the show, this very podcast.

I think Your Daily Lex is a better name, but this very podcast would be a funny name.


Your Daily Lex.

I live by my calendar, by which I mean, I am nothing without my calendar.

I look at my calendar for everything.

If it’s not on my calendar, I don’t know about it, and I don’t do it.

So when I said it was a busy weekend, I recalled that it was a busy weekend, but I couldn’t remember exactly all the things that had happened on that weekend.

Thankfully, it’s all on my calendar, so I can go look and see to tell you why I said that.

How to take Sierra to a birthday party on Saturday.

Sierra was annoyed by the existence of this birthday party.

She was excited to see the friend, but there were two problems.

Problem number one, Sierra also had Adam’s Family Rehearsal that day, and we had marked this day as a conflict, so Sierra was excused on Saturday from Adam’s Family Rehearsal to go to this birthday party.

But it was a choreography rehearsal, so Sierra was angsty.

Missing this rehearsal means getting behind and not knowing what’s what.

It happens, and you learn, you catch up.

It’s annoying to miss a rehearsal, I don’t doubt it, I don’t disagree, but it happens all the time.

It’s fine.

Everything’s fine.

And so Sierra will be fine, but she was disappointed to be missing a rehearsal, even though she knew she would be joyous, happy, joyful at the friend’s birthday party.

The other problem, problem second, was the birthday party was a watch the new Taylor Swift concert movie party, and it was a 9 a.m.

showing, so you were supposed to meet at the movie theater at 8.45 a.m.

on Saturday, and Sierra, you know, was not into that.

I wasn’t into that, but I woke up, she woke up, and I got her there.

And because I was having a horrible hair morning, having not yet showered, I wore a hat that I have, and it’s kind of a fedora hat, and Sierra’s like, oh, if any of my friends saw you, they’re going to think that you’re a Swiftie, because Taylor gives away that kind of hat at every concert.

Her mom picks somebody in the audience to give it to, and I’m like, what are you even – I mean, I understood those words and what they meant, but I knew none of this.

And so then I said, hey, now that I’m parking at the movie theater to let you out, do you want me to come out and dance to a Taylor Swift song or sing one really loudly and tell your friends how I grew up in the same town as Taylor so they can see how cool I am?

And she said, please do not.

So I did not.

I went home.

But those were Sierra’s two concerns with that party.

But although Sierra enjoyed the party, she is decidedly not a Swiftie.

And not to be contrary, she just doesn’t get it.

Sierra likes Olivia Rodrigo a whole lot, but she doesn’t care about Taylor Swift, and she did not enjoy the concert film.

Then they went out to Jersey Freeze, an ice cream place, afterwards.

And Bruce Springsteen and Bon Jovi are frequent visitors at that particular ice cream place.

But interestingly, although they got the kids lunch, they didn’t give them ice cream, which is insane.

It’s like, I don’t know, going to a burger place and saying, okay, everybody can have a milkshake.

Except opposite.

Anyway, so that was part of my weekend.

Then I had a big comedy sports match on Saturday, and on Saturday, I knew I was feeling funny the whole day.

Not feeling funny like, ugh, I feel funny, but like feeling like I was a funny person that day.

I was feeling like I had the humor.

And as I’ve mentioned on this podcast, but you’re forgiven for not remembering, comedy sports has a rule, a foul that they can call.

That’s called the groaner foul.

If you tell a dad joke, anything that’s too punny, you can get flagged by the referee, and you will then need to apologize to the audience, whom we call the loyal fans.

And if they accept your apology, you don’t lose points.

But if they don’t accept your apology, you do lose points.

So I had been, as you may recall, intimidated from auditioning for comedy sports, because I thought I could never avoid making that foul.

But it turns out, we don’t really care if you commit that foul.

It’s part of the fun.

I was in a scene in a game called Spelling Bee where we have to spell complicated words and then, I don’t know how complicated, we have to spell words and then potentially use them in sentences, whatever else.

And everybody’s a character.

And one of the words we had to spell was ambidextrous.

And my character, who was too cool for school, was like, ambidextrous?

I can spell that with both hands behind my back.

Which doesn’t mean anything, by the way.

And of course, it got flagged for being a little punny when the word was ambidextrous.

So after the scene was over, I had to come apologize to the loyal fans.

And I said, hey loyal fans, you gotta understand, I didn’t make that pun.

My character made that pun.

He was too cool for school.

I knew what he was gonna do.

I saw it happening.

I tried to stop him, but my character couldn’t do it.

It’s kind of like the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing.

If you’re paying close attention, you’ll note that I punned within my apology for punning and had absolutely no remorse, and yet the audience still accepted my apology, because that’s how funny I was on Saturday.

Anyway, then Sunday, there was a horrible Eagles game that we’ll never speak of again.

Liam had a rock shop show at which he crushed.

And also, I did a thing that I’ve never done before, which is I took Liam to Six Flags all by myself.

We’ll have to talk about that tomorrow, because, you know, we’re in time.

Happy Monday.
