I think it’s time for a quick review of all my online side hustles, because I have a bunch.

My main hustle, I guess, is Lex Friedman Consulting.

I don’t know why I say I guess, like clearly that is my main hustle.

That’s my job, my thing, my full-time gig, but I have a lot of online side hustles, a lot of podcasts, and then a bunch of other stuff.

So let’s do it.

Okay, first is a bunch of podcasts.

This is one.

But if you don’t know about your daily Lex and you’re listening to your daily Lex, you’ve got bigger problems than I can handle in a five-minute podcast.

But I do other podcasts, too.

Let’s talk about them.

I do the Rebound to Tech podcast that covers Apple and other tech companies and whatever else we feel like talking about.

I do that every week with my pals Dan Morin and John Moltz.

I do another podcast with Dan Morin that’s called Not Playing with Lex and Dan.

The only reason I get top billing in that podcast is because I was the one about whom all the Lex hasn’t seen the jokes were made.

They never made Lex hasn’t seen the jokes about Dan because Dan’s name isn’t Lex.

But Not Playing is where Dan and I watch movies that most people have seen, but the one or both of us has missed.

We just concluded another recent season on The Incomparable, but you should check out Not Playing and The Incomparable if you like movies or me or Dan or both of us.

So that’s two.

I host another podcast with Dan called, well, I guess I co-host it.

No, I’m the scorekeeper on Dan’s podcast, Inconceivable.

So he’s got a game show, Inconceivable.

It’s fun.

It’s nerd trivia.

It’s kind of often nerd trivia in areas of nerddom where I don’t excel, which is why I’m so good at being the scorekeeper because then I get to read all the answers in Dan’s spreadsheets.

But I’m the scorekeeper on Inconceivable, but I turn the tables and I host a game show called Friendly Competition.

And on that show, Dan is the scorekeeper.

It’s much harder to keep score on my show.

So Dan is really a saint for doing it.

He’s not the only scorekeeper.

We’re just like, I’m not the only scorekeeper on Inconceivable.

If one of us isn’t available as a scorekeeper, we’ll find backups.

But we’re the most frequent and most, we’re the default scorekeepers for each other’s game shows.

So that’s another podcast that I do a lot of.

Let’s see.

I also host a podcast with my pal, Brian Warren.

That show is called Sorkin In It.

Sorkin In It is where Brian and I, on the first season, discussed the films of Aaron Sorkin, movies that he wrote.

And in our second season, we are watching the TV series he wrote, The Newsroom.

And we’re not doing The West Wing because Josh Malina and Rishi Keshia Haraway already did a great show about The West Wing.

And we’re not doing Sports Night because it’s not available for streaming anywhere on any of the subscription streaming services.

We did do one bonus episode of Sorkin In It on the Incomparable Membership Drive this month, in fact, with our pal, Dan Warren, talking about the show, Sports Night, which is, frankly, a better show than The Newsroom, at least thus far.

Let’s see.

Other online side hustles of mine.

I have Your Intermittent Lex, which is my newsletter slash blog about business strategy and life hacks, which I think are two sides of the same thing.

Obviously, I have two albums out with my son, Liam, Liam and Lex.

Those are available on all streaming services, and it’s fun for families.

I’ve got my one album out called The Internet’s Out.

Will I ever have another album?

Mm, time will tell.

That’s a tease.

We call that a tease in the biz.

I make daily connections style puzzle in the style of the New York Times connections puzzle.

Mine are called collections because, I mean, you get it.

But those are at lextreatment.com slash connections.

If you forget, go to lextreatment.com slash collections.

It’ll redirect you.

I also have a bunch of crossword puzzles online.

I haven’t made one in a while.

It’s been a couple years, but lextreatment.com slash crosswords has a bunch of my old crossword puzzles.

I love making crosswords.

I just haven’t done it in a bit.

I think those are all my major internet side hustles.

I just wanted to try to go through them to see if I could do them all from memory, and I basically could.

So, way to go me.

I’m a very intermittent guest, very rare guest on flagship incomparable podcasts.

It has to be a very specific, again, a very specific brand of nerdery that’s good for me.

I’ve done episodes about Weird Al Yankovic, They Might Be Giants, Saturday Night Live, Jonathan Colton, and most recently, the TV show Barry on the flagship incomparable podcast.

That was almost English.

Good Lord.

I don’t know what is happening to my mouth in 2023, but those are some of the internet side hustles I have.

I mean, I would say I post on various social networks in different ways, mostly to promote those things I was just mentioning and to share dumb jokes, which is also what I do on this podcast.

But anyway, thank you for joining me on this review of things I do on the internet.
