The Best Wing
I’ve spoken before on this very podcast about how I can get a little depressed when I watch the series finale of a show years ago Finishing and culminating in 2020.
I watched all of the Westwood with my oldest Donnie and when we finished the last episode I Shot a video of us singing my lyrics to the theme song my idiotic lyrics to the theme song and I’ve shared those lyrics on This podcast before this is the West Wing.
We think it is the best wing It’s not the north wing not east or south because it’s the West Wing It’s the best wing and here’s the thing The West Wing is the best is not to the south is not the north not these because the West the West Wing is on now Posted a video of Ani and me singing that song and that video got retweeted by Bradley Whitford who played Josh by Lin-Manuel Miranda and others and that tweet one kind of viral for a Spring 2020 tweet the video was viewed something like 80,000 times on Twitter at the time Anyway a while ago Liam wanted to start watching the West Wing.
So we did and tonight we finished and It was sweet and bittersweet and sad again I hate series finales and I hate that I finished watching with him because he really liked it And I really liked watching with him and I think it’s probably The last time I’ve ever gonna watch the West Wing because I’ve now gone through it I think four or five times and there’s a lot of TV to watch There’s a lot of books to read there a lot of moves to watch I don’t know how many times I can keep watching the same show We even watched the HBO max special what they did before the 2020 election where they staged the episode Hartsfield landing Which is very cool, but we’re done.
We have finished the West Wing I shot a new video which I post on my Facebook and I’m asked it on Of Liam and me singing the song But it’s bittersweet Let’s let’s lessen the bittersweet with a very late in the episode theme song your Daily Lex One big question is I don’t know what we’ll watch next.
I know there’s very shows I’d like to watch with him one of them is sports night, but I’ve kind of been doing a sports night rewatch in my own So it’s a little too soon for me to do that I would watch The Good Place with him, but I already watched The Good Place with him So that wouldn’t work either so I got to figure out what’s the show I want to watch there’s some shows that I’d love to watch with Liam that he’s just too young for like Seinfeld has a lot of sex jokes.
It’s just Even if even if he is old enough for the which he’s not he’s 12 and he’s a young 12 I don’t want to watch that with my kid So I really got to figure it out sports night was the one I was thinking Well, like I said because I’m mid rewatch right now or late in a rewatch right now It feels like the wrong time studio 60 might just not be good enough I’m watching the newsroom for a podcast not have to be a sorghum show But those are some of the ones the game to mine, but I really gotta think about I gotta go up something good I don’t have yet But it’s gonna come up pretty much instantly because we just finished this and leave and I are good at watching shows together I’m okay watching shows with Ani I need a little too busy So if we go a little slower and then the kids have shows that they watch with Lauren and that goes really slow because Lauren Just does not have the interest in watching TV that I do So they go far more slowly when they’re watching shows with Lauren, so I gotta come up something good And I don’t know what it is yet But I’ll figure it out maybe Anyway, I’ve also been like a little lax and lax But I’ve been a little lax with your daily likes this week for no reason.
I’ve been your daily lax and I think I just made the same joke in two different ways in a row, but there’s no particular reason I’m not fearful for this podcast.
It’s just been a Bizarre week for scheduling for me.
Happy Hanukkah to those of you celebrate and honestly Happy Hanukkah to those of you who don’t because it’s a great one Here’s how the first night went Sierra didn’t open a Hanukkah present because she opened a birthday present instead It was when they came late her birthday was yesterday And her aunts and uncles had all sent her a cool Bolton board for her room that she wanted Sierra got a big birthday Hanukkah combined present because she wanted an iPad so she got an iPad and a pencil so she doesn’t Have eight nights worth of Hanukkah presents because the birthday present was too big Liam got hooded towels Liam has still been using like the baby towels that you get that have hoods on them like a duck towel Or whatever because he just loves a towel the hood so we got some custom-made from Etsy custom-made adult towels with hoods which I’m excited for him to start using and Let’s see honey got an mp3 player, which is hilarious to me, but honey goes to summer camp We’re not allowed to have your phone I’ll be a counselor this year and you know wants to have music to listen to so got an mp3 player With a little SD card inside you know with a built-in speaker, whatever Hilarious that those are things that still exist and that are still needed, but it’s allowed because it doesn’t have an internet connection And Sierra got the Bolton board Lauren Oh Lauren I got a gift card to stitch fix because Lauren is jealous every time I get a stitch fix shipment Stitch fix shipment is hard to say and then I got some scented candles because I love candles in my office But now I don’t burn them anymore.
I I put them on a candle warmer of some sort Because apparently that’s better for the air or something anyway, happy Thursday Lex