Yesterday was our first misery rehearsal and that was fun.

It was a really a script read through and also just a kind of general discussion of the show.

And as I’ve at least thought about, maybe talked about on this podcast, it’s really interesting to me that it’s a thriller where most of the audience already knows the major beats that are going to happen.

So some of it is anticipation.

When are these things going to happen and how can you subvert that?

And some of it is can you shock or thrill them when they don’t expect it?

Can you surprise them in some ways?

And I think it’s going to be really fun.

What’s interesting to me is we’re going to do a second read through rehearsal because we really want to kind of get the story in our heads, I guess.

I think it’s going to be a fun rehearsal process.

And it’s interesting.

There’s three of us, the Andy and then Buster, the police officer and me, and the guy playing Buster auditioned specifically for Buster, which is a pretty small part in the show.

You know, he has three quick scenes and he has never acted before.

He just kind of wanted to do it and that’s the part he went out for.

And I kind of love that.

But I also have some follow up and some other stuff.

So theme song.

Your Daily Lex.

Boy, I got a lot of snoring feedback.

Some of you said that you could hear me from your homes.

That’s not true.

That didn’t happen.

No, but I had texts and messages on multiple social media platforms from other people dealing with snoring.

The loudest piece of feedback I got are the most common, the most frequent, the mode of feedback that I got was, yeah, no, I just snore and there’s no solution.

Many people are dealing with snoring and they basically, the most common feedback was they’re significant other simply learned to deal with it.

And I don’t imply that I never snored at all and then started snoring.

I have snored for a long time, but minimally and now it’s become a bit more maximally.

Last night, at least according to the app I’ve been using, which was recommended by a couple of people and I was already using it, so way to go me or way to go those people’s apps SEO.

But the app says that I snored considerably less last night, which is exciting.

I spent 45 minutes snoring last night, where the night prior I had spent three and a half hours snoring.

So 45 minutes snoring is better.

And the only, the major thing I did was try to prop my head up significantly higher.

And I did wear one of those nose strips, but those breathe right strips still don’t stay on my nose.

It was, it was only on half of my nose and I’m following all their instructions.

I’m using an astringent on my nose at a time to try to make it as dry as possible.

I don’t know.

It doesn’t stay.

When I put it on, I can feel that it’s opened up my nose more, but I don’t know that my snoring is coming from nose related things.

Doesn’t seem that way, but probably my head up higher did seem to help, but who knows if it was also coincidence.

Maybe it was the combination of doing that and the half sticking breathe right strip.

So I have more experimenting to do and I continue to wait on that product that’s eventually going to come in the mail when they ship it, which they still haven’t, but man, it’s, I don’t know.

I kind of, I launched the app in the morning with a mix of anticipation and dread.

Like I just, I don’t, I don’t want to have snored.

And when I listened to it, it really is like freakish to hear yourself snoring when you don’t know.

Anyway, I talked about this yesterday, but man, it’s a lot.

It’s a lot.

And it’s, uh, uh, I don’t love knowing when I go to sleep that that’s what I’m going to be doing.

And then when I wake up, that that’s what I did.

Uh, and really I have to stop listening to the snores in the app that is not doing me any favors, but, uh, I’m also like a little hopelessly addicted to listening to those horrible snoring sounds.

Um, so yeah, there’s that.

Uh, also my other topic for the day, uh, before whatever song preview comes up is I am really beardy.

I am almost maximally beardy for how beardy I allow myself to get.

There was one time when I really had a full on beard for a, a role that I was filming for a Jewish educational film when I lived in LA.

Uh, this is the second longest my beard has been because it’s shorter than that and it might quite, it might get that light.

Uh, I’m growing the beard out, uh, because I think I am going to audition for Fiddler and I feel like having the longer beard will be good for Fiddler auditions.

And I’m going to audition for Fiddler while I’m in the middle of doing misery.

It’s at the same theater.

It comes after.

Um, so I’m growing it out during this rehearsal process and then the auditions will come and I’ll have the beard and then I can shave it again.

If whatever the director wants for misery is what I’ll do.

I don’t know if he wants Paul to have an unkempt beard or what, but, or no beard or whatever.

But uh, then I could grow back again for Fiddler, uh, if it is desired.

But man, the only thing I can think about when my beard is at this length or longer is I have a beard.

I think about that 900 hours a day, I have a beard.

My face is itchy because of this beard, beard, beard, beard, beard, beard, beard, beard.

It’s basically all I think about.

And it’s still, it’s still somewhere.

It is no longer just stubble, but it’s not like full beard yet.

It’s still like closer to stubble than to beard, but it is a beard and it’s only getting longer.


It’s all I think about day and night.

Um, and nobody in my family approves at this point, everybody thinks my face is too scratchy.

So now, you know, uh, well, we’ve gone through the, uh, the modes of transportation trio on the album, although there are still other, uh, transportation theme songs on the album, which we’ll, we’ll get to, but the next track on the world wasn’t ready is the true story of my sibling’s bus.

Uh, I think I shared the lyrics of this song on social media.

Um, but this is a song that I wrote, uh, not just the words to, but the music.

And then Liam came in and made the music better.

He added a really cool baseline, added the higher piano part.

I just did one piano line and he did the rest.

Uh, but I sang this one, even though it’s his siblings.

Um, so here is, uh, some snippets from the true story of my sibling’s bus track five on the world.

Wasn’t ready by Liam and Lex.

And don’t forget, you can find that album wherever you listen to music, the world wasn’t ready, but you are.

It’s the true story of my siblings bus.

I have to warn you.

It is totally nuts.

You won’t believe me cause it sounds kind of sus, but here’s the story of my siblings bus.

On the first day of school, it was a full hour late.

As you can imagine, no one thought that was great, but things got worse.

I’m sorry to say because the bus didn’t show up at all.

The next day, the next day Lex.