I know I’ve talked a lot about the fall that I’m doing in Misery, and some of my listeners are also my local friends, and they’re going to go see Misery, so I apologize for the endless spoiler about the fact that, you know, I fall.

Yesterday, yesterday, we’re attempting to do a run, it’s the first run with microphones and sound cues and lighting cues and all that, and you know you’re going to have to pause sometimes for those things, but the actors are supposed to just keep going.

And eventually they did have to stop after the fall, not right away, but as we were going to the next scene, I had removed my sling because I was bleeding so profusely and didn’t want to bleed on the sling itself.

I was fine.

To be clear, I was fine.

There’s one spot on my arm that I keep landing on, and one time I got like almost a road rash on it, and now when I fell on it again, it ripped open and was just bleeding so much.

So now the sheets of the bed that I sleep in or rest in in the show are bloody, and it works.

Some people saw it and said, wow, that’s great set dressing, but I was realizing the blood was coming from me.

So eventually they had to stop so they could put a Band-Aid on me so I would stop bleeding all over everything.

It was really funny.

Anyway, let’s do this show.

Your Daily Lex.

I heard from a couple of people, the only album title that got any votes from people who listened to yesterday’s episode by now was A Sentiment That’s Almost True.

So that’s the name of my next album, which is coming out on February 29th, if all goes well.

So get ready.

And I don’t know, I would say that I am delighted by the titles of the tracks.

So I’m going to tell them to you.

There’s 12 songs on this upcoming album, and the songs are as follows.

Ready or not.

William Hetworth Taft, Another Magician, In Store, Google Maps, I’m Never Alone, Tension Headache Christmas, My Podcast, I’m Gonna Call Her, I Don’t Know, 73, What the Hell.

So those are the 12 tracks.

I think some of those names are intriguing.

I mean, obviously, some of you listeners have heard some of those songs, right?

Many of you have heard Tension Headache Christmas.

Maybe many of you have heard some version of Ready or Not or William Hetworth Taft.

I think I played Another Magician on this very podcast, but lots of new tracks that basically nobody has ever heard except for me and maybe one or two of my kids.

And Liam plays piano on a couple of tracks, two of them.

So I’m excited.

And I absolutely think, you know how Apple always says it’s our best thing ever, it’s our best album.

I do think that this is my best album ever, including the Liam and Lex albums, only because we keep learning so much as we make more.

And now I’ve really got a pretty slick logic set up.

I have a bunch of plugins that I use that really make music mixing sound better.

I’m just better in general at music mixing.

So I don’t know, I feel good.

I’m fired up for this album.

This is the one that’s gonna really make me the next Taylor Swift.

To be clear, that was a joke.

I am already so much better than Taylor Swift.

No, don’t come at me, Swifties.

I’m kidding.

She’s wonderful.

She’s great.

She’s great people.

However, I prefer Jason Kelsey.

Anyway, I’m excited for that album.

I really, I really am amused by the topics that I find to write songs about because just about every album, other than the ones I did with Liam, I guess, it’s just about every album has love songs on it of some sort, right?

Like lost love or longed for love, whatever, like that’s a very common trope in songs.

Finding topics that are not about love is a delight.

So that’s why I’m excited that I have songs about Google Maps and a very pleasantly disturbing, let’s go with that, a pleasantly disturbing song encouraging you to listen to my podcast.

Now, in this case, it’s not this podcast.

It’s a fictional podcast, a non-existent narrator’s podcast, but you know, it’s fine.

And I have a song from the perspective of Satan.

So we’ve got that to look forward to as well.

Anyway, I hope you’re having a wonderful Thursday.

I’m going to put some padding on that arm before I do tonight’s fall.

So nobody worry.

That one arm has to have the sleeve up because I’ve been connected to an IV.

The other arm though, that’s the arm that bled.

That arm can have the sleeve down.

So I think I can put some padding over the wound.

It does have a bandaid on it now as well.

So hopefully no incremental blood.

That’s the goal.

Happy Thursday.
