I have a light nose injury.

I mean, it’s my nose is a normal weight, but the injury you get it I have a light nose injury.

Let me explain Your Daily Lex So as I’ve discussed many times on the show Lauren and I alternate who gets up early with the kids on weekdays and It’s annoying Because the person who allegedly can sleep in has to contend with a few things one There’s a lot of noise in the house from kids getting ready and making breakfasts and potentially prepping lunch and all that You can open the microwave before it beeps, but you can’t you can’t stop the toaster before it beeps Even if you turn it off, it keeps beeping.

It’s very annoying The wire cutters toaster recommendation is terrible.

I should have asked John Syracuse, uh, but I didn’t and So there’s that and then there’s also the light You got to let the cats out meaning you have to open the door to our room if you don’t leave the door open to Our room when you leave to go tend to the kids in the morning The cats will get very angry that they’re trapped inside So you got to leave the door a little bit open And when you do that at a certain time of the year, namely this time of year Sun shines right in this giant Window that’s in our front hallway and perfectly beams into my bedroom and I like it to be dark we have beautiful blackout curtains in our bedroom and They help a ton.

So last night when I was getting ready for bed I knew I was gonna use white noise to try to drown out some of the morning noise and I was also thinking man I wish I had an eye mask and I had an eye mask that I had found a couple days ago for this same purpose Except it was so old that when I like tried to put it onto my head the elastic around it just Disintegrated like it was it was that old and Lauren and I were looking around because we knew we had other Face masks I mask thingies that you get from like a certain kind of hotel or airplanes sometimes whatever And we couldn’t find any and I was like, you know It’s gonna be so stupid because I’m gonna buy one from Amazon and that’s stupid because as soon as I order it We’ll find one and so I’m looking and I’m like, oh, you know what?

I gave you one in April 2021 or probably May for your birthday for Mother’s Day Both of which are in May and I was like, how do you know that?

That’s so specific in the way because I just searched for I’m asked Amazon and it said here’s one that I last purchased There was a like a slightly fancier one and I clearly got it for you It’s a 3d mask not that you can see in 3d while you’re blacked out vision But then it like comes up over your eyes So that’s not putting pressure on your eyeballs themselves.

And as soon as I said that one was like, oh, yeah You did give me that here it is You can use it since it was still in the box having never been used by Lauren.

She gave me permission to use it It’s one of those things that’s got like I don’t even how to describe it Like the little twisty fastener thing where you can tighten it and loosen it.

Those things are never my jam I always really have to think about how to use them to make a thing be tighter or looser But I did it wore it and it did block out the light But when I woke up my nose hurt so much and now I have this big bruise cut injury thing on my nose And it doesn’t feel like it’s that rough on your nose, but it was it’s very distinctly right from where the mask was So I’m gonna try to make it even looser And experiment with that, but I’m probably gonna take a couple days off because right now if I put it on my face I think I would cry because of how much that weird nose injury situation hurts Separately from all that.

I’m having tons of fun with all my games My three games the new one is live for everybody to play now So if anybody who hasn’t yet gotten to wants to try Buy a vowel that one’s available and ready for everybody to play and it’s uh, I don’t know.

It’s pretty good.

People are seeming to like it It’s funny when you make a whole new game mechanic You’ll get lots of feedback and I appreciate that people you could do this or you can have it this other way or whatever and I appreciate all those feedbacks and sometimes like I’m sorry, that’s the rule This is how the game is played other times people have really good ideas and I’ve been making tweaks I think at first I really felt like it was important that all the words be five letters long and today I decided No, there’s no need for all those words to be five letters long So in a couple weeks because I’ve made them several weeks out in a couple weeks their words are gonna get longer that one So stay tuned Anyway, thanks for all the kind word.

I got a lot of kind words about the song.

I don’t know Thanks for the people who enjoy that one for people who didn’t enjoy that one.

No, thanks to you.

I’m sorry That’s just the rules This next song is the penultimate song from the album.

So if you hate that I’ve been sharing these songs good news We’re almost done.

This song is called 73.

It’s about the speed I like to drive when I’m in a 65 mile per hour zone.

Have a wonderful weekend I Know the sign says 65 Suggestion I said the crews on 73 Question 73 That’s the speed for me 73 I Know the sign says 65, but I obviously just don’t care I’m going That’s when I’ll get there 73 that’s the speed for me 73 I Know the sign says 65, but I go eight miles faster If you’re slower in the passing lane That is just a disaster 73 That’s the speed for me I The speed Don’t pull me over a Cars are speeding a whole lot worse Don’t pull me over Breaker I know the science is 65, but I can’t get any later 73 that’s the speed for me 73 73 That’s the speed for me 73 Lex