Think a lot of people aren’t good at working from home.

I think some people are I Worked from home for a really long time when we first moved to New Jersey from like 2006 to around 2016 I never expected that I would work from home for all that time and that was before it was cool to work from home But I got really good at it.

I decided right away and I’ve talked about some of this before but I decided right away that I was gonna you know, shave and shower every day.

Otherwise, I never would again and that I was gonna work for my working hours and That I couldn’t do laundry or other chores during the day because it was just like I was the office You can’t let somebody into your house when you’re at the office.

You can’t do the laundry You can’t unload the dishwasher when you’re at the office because you’re at the office So it’s like I’m gonna be at the office and when I leave I’m done That turned out to be harder than I expected because when you’re at a startup the work never ends And when you’re at many companies in the modern age the work never ends But I could at least say okay.

I’m done with my official workday.

I’m leaving my home office and now I’m available to help with house stuff Then I almost overnight switched to commuting into Manhattan every day for a couple years, which was no fun It was awful as a transition to go from from home full-time to into the city full-time, man Sucked and what’s even more dangerous as I’ve talked about before is how quickly you get used to it your Daily Lex But Now I work from home and I work for myself and I still have that same rule, you know, I’m gonna shower I’m gonna get dressed.

I also work out first.

Mmm, not to do my own horn, dude, but the You know, I I’m in the office when I’m working when I leave the office.

I’m done I’m now even better at shutting off work when it’s after hours because I don’t have to my boss is really likable and he doesn’t Make me work late now if I get a work email in the evening or sometimes when I’m not working I will gladly look at it and potentially even reply to it if doing so alleviate stress if it’s more stressful to reply to That work thing or deal with it that I won’t but if it’s if I don’t like the idea of a thing hanging unanswered Of course, I will deal with it because I get to make that decision for myself Where I have been struggling since I started working for myself a bit over a year and a half ago is On quieter days or when I have quieter times The summer is by definition a little bit quieter for me because some companies have Everybody working a little bit less or people just get a little bit more relaxed in the summer Which might mean that they need consulting help less or that they think to use their consultants less whatever it is so what I’ve been struggling with is Availing myself of quieter days my immediate instincts on a quieter days.

I should do prospecting.

I should catch up on invoicing I should do XYZ and sometimes that is exactly what I should do But it’s also okay sometimes to embrace the quiet or embrace the free time So yesterday I saw that I had two hours with nothing booked And so I told my kids hey, I could do stuff for the next two hours.

And so we play Rockman.

It was great And Lauren later was like, wow, you got to play Rockman in the middle of the day I’m like, yeah I was just thinking about how different my life is now from what it was a year and a half ago when I worked at Amazon She’s like, yes, I imagine you must be happier and I like no, in fact, I’m much sadder.

I really miss having to write five page reports and deal with bureaucracy all the time and You know not getting to do the things I wanted and endlessly dealing with corporate bullshit And then oh how we laughed.

So no, I don’t miss it at all.

I am happy.

Yeah, which is good Happiness is good.


Some people love corporate life.

I have a friend who’s Employed by one big company and he is thinking of changing companies and he’s thinking of going to work at another big company and One where he has experience working before and I was like friend I can’t believe you’re considering going back to this giant company.

He’s like, yeah, I can’t believe it either but I liked it That’s amazing.

I have never loved working at a giant company.

I have at times liked working at a giant company a little certainly the insurance is great certainly the Salaries I guess can be great.

But man, I Really am NOT built for giant companies.

I love a startup I don’t want to do another startup, you know with a whole team because I just don’t want to deal with the hours and the stress of it My business is sort of a startup, but it’s just me and I know what I’m doing I’m good at it and it feels very low-risk because there’s always people who need help and I am able to help them So that’s good.

But yeah It’s rare that I will take a break and play rock band in the middle of the day But I appreciate that there’s sometimes where I have that break and I’m willing to do it Especially because it can be really fun to wail out on a guitar solo in the middle of the day Anyway, that’s my thought process today.


Do I not miss corporate America?

I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday And I hope that you unlike me.

I have spent zero time fighting with an insurance company today.

Good stuff.


Bye Lex