Once again, it’s all killer.

No filler week here at your daily Lex, which is not to say that typical weeks have filler I’m just saying it’s really a motivational aspirational statement for myself to make sure that every episode is packed with fill and not with Kill no, it’s actually yeah, I think we’re already nailing it Your Daily Lex I Mean I could edit this show right I could take that out and not reveal my own Mini stroke there, but I’d like y’all to hear it.

This is what the show is I’m gonna tell you a story about my kids at camp camp has trip day They take two different trips or at least they took two different trips in this most recent session.

One was to Us in tour into her waterpark, that’s the term Called Kalahari and the other was to Dorney Park amusement park in Pennsylvania and when they take the kids to these trips, they bus them there and With at least one of those days they stop at a Chinese restaurant on the way back and it’s like a Chinese buffet style restaurant where all the kids can get their dinner before they go back to camp and My kids know or at least report that a lot of times kids get basically food poisoning at that place So my kids are like we get the noodles but some kids I guess get more adventurous foods and it has inevitably pay a gastrointestinal price and Boy, I don’t know so as My kids were telling me At some point the buses had to pull over because there were some kids in gastrointestinal Emergencies, so the buses pulled over at a gas station so that some of the kids could have massive diarrhea this is my kids were telling me and Liam was mad about this because they were only letting you off if you were in extreme distress and Like once you’re stopped at the bathroom He said at the gas stations for an hour like it’s the way you kind of want to go They’re like no, we’re only letting kids off.

We’re having emergencies, which I sort of get but I also Equally don’t get I think I can argue both sides, but I think the camp got this one wrong But apparently they were waiting for so long For these buses to keep going that Sierra was telling me or maybe one of the kids was telling me that on their bus I think was Liam was telling me that on his bus.

They started singing 99 bottles of beer on the wall and When we were discussing that song on he was saying that You know the fun way to do that song is once you get down to zero bottles of beer that you should start putting all the bottles of beer back one by one and then we had a discussion of whether It was last in first out or first in first out Like which bottle goes back on the wall But then we were talking about the wall itself and I was saying like is this I’m assuming it shelves on the wall and Sierra Said that that’s not how she envisions it that every time she’s heard 99 bottles of beer on the wall She pictures a large brick wall on top of which are all these bottles.

I’m like, well, how long is this bottle?

I’m sorry How long is this wall that we can fit all 99 bottles on top and Sears like well it has you know It’s got corners, but it is just one wall.

It’s all 99 by the way.

We consider it one wall It’s not rounded which was what I was pushing for it not curved in any way But it’s one continuous Bending wall, I guess and Sarah sees them all atop the wall Basically, I’m sharing all this to express the point that serious crazy person cuz that’s not what it is It is definitely not on top of the wall And I was also asking when they take the bottle down and pass it around Are you drinking from these bottles or they just passing the bottles around and my kids all believe that you simply pass the bottles around There’s never any mention of drinking the bottles of beer Liam did report that they got all the way to zero, but they did not restart the count All this reminded me of a story that is quite possible I’ve shared in one of the past many hundreds of episodes of this podcast, but there was a time in a very early grade First second third ish grade.

I was gonna say single-digit grades, but I guess most grades are single digits but there was a time when I Found a penny on the floor of the bus on the way to school and I called out I found a penny and it feels like in my memory the entire bus in unison shouted back.

Shut up It was probably just a couple kids who said it, but then I said it again I found a penny and the whole bus again.

Shut up this time We got like basically everybody and then this just became like a call-and-response.

I kept saying it and they kept saying it I found a penny shut up.

It was rhythmic and this was going it was funny Now the whole ride to school couldn’t take that long.

It couldn’t been more than 15-20 minutes with all the stops involved But it’s in my memory this chant.

I found a penny shut up goes on for I don’t know months and hours but at some point the bus driver has had enough and he goes all of you shut up and then the bus was dead silent and It was funny cuz went from 0 to 60 with that guy Like I don’t remember anything about that bus driver other than that one day He got really angry all of a sudden at our chance and wanted it to stop immediately and he yelled at us And he said hey guys knock it off.

We would have but he didn’t he just went to yelling.

So I Hope he suffered.

No, I don’t actually I have no ill will towards that bus driver It sounds like it probably was annoying if I were in his shoes But yeah, I did not find a penny today And I do not intend to drink 99 bottles of beer in the wall, but I’ll tell you this There’s no way those bottles are on top of the wall doesn’t make any sense There’s got to be a shelving unit and this just wouldn’t fit in the song.

That’s it.

Goodbye Lex