My irritation level is so high right now.

It’s like comically high.

Welcome to your daily lex Your Daily lex There are some good things happening one is my nieces here my niece Lior who is now 25 and Who as she knows well holds the distinction of being the first baby I ever loved because I was a kid when she was born and You know, I wasn’t that into babies, but I thought that she was great.

I mean I was a kid I was probably 18 when she was born Around there 17 or 18.

I’m doing some quick math and But I’m a big fan of hers and she’s visiting from Israel for several weeks and that’s fun And yesterday and she’s here with a friend as well And we were kind of forcing them to stay awake a little bit yesterday so they could adjust on the time zones and we took them out to dinner and we went to this kosher steakhouse that Liam really loves and We told Liam hey, you can’t get the $80 giant meat platter.

Sorry, bro We let him do that on his birthday, but it’s like you’re not doing that tonight And then I told him that he and I could split it So I was good too, and he expressed amazement that several months ago.

He’d eaten the whole thing by himself I mean, I certainly could but anyway well, we get there, you know, we’re a party of seven five of us plus these two guests and They’re like, yeah, we can’t fit you unless you sit at the bar.

It’s really I almost in the bar fine So we sit at the bar and three of us are just getting blasted with freezing cold air And they’re like, oh, yeah, we see you’re cold Yeah People complain in the winter that that seats too hot and in the summer that those seats are too cold, but you can move So we could slide down to one side Where there was not enough room so we couldn’t we could slide down the other way where there was this woman who could not stop Coughing her head off and really yeah, we don’t slide down that way Eventually coughing person left and we did do some moving but we had a lovely meal there we kept the kids awake and then Eventually we went home and almost instantly two girls went to sleep Anyway, that’s not my annoyance.

My annoyance is and I frankly I can’t remember how much Color I’ve given on this on this podcast, but you know when I was on the cruise several weeks back now I had dropped my phone that was sad and They said Apple said hey, no problem We’ll replace it for you for free which they did the phone was fine on the front The screen was fine, but the back was all cracked up and I was like, well if Apple will replace it for free Let’s let them I had that phone a couple weeks and then dropped it face down on the street.

I’ve never done that before And it got these very very bright vertical bars along The left half of the screen and these very very bright vertical bars You know obfuscate whatever’s underneath and since those phones default to having always-on screens was also getting extremely hot because it was maximum brightness in those vertical bars, and they really picked up a ton of heat or generated a ton of heat and Maybe so you couldn’t see what you’re typing Like when you were sending text you couldn’t see the first word of your text because that’s where those bars were and just super annoying Obviously need to be replaced again.

That was a no problem $25.

I mean not 25.

I wish $99 and we’ll replace it.

I Requested it on Thursday and Or maybe yeah Thursday and then They waited all day Friday to ship it and said, okay, you can have it on Monday And then this morning FedEx said it’s gonna be there by 1030 a.m And I was watching the truck and was pretty near here And then at 1031 it said hey, we can no longer show you the bit where the truck is and you’ll have it by 8 p.m It’s now been several hours since the phone has arrived and I continue to be in this restart reset dance Of trying to set it up You know I’m trying to do the phone to phone transfer thing and I’m done trying that for the day because it’s just continues to fail And it feels quietly like it just says hey, I can’t I’m Estimating how much time is remaining but I let it sit there doing that for an hour at no point Did it ever finish or even progress?

And you know at some point it’s just showing you how much time is remaining and it couldn’t do that So then I’m like fine, you know what?

I’m just gonna restore from an iCloud backup and it’s like, yeah I can’t restore from an iCloud backup.

I’m sorry.

I’m not able to do that Like here your iCloud backups and I just saw some error message.

I’d never seen before like I can’t use backup Okay, great.

So I made a fresh backup Make a brand new backup and my old phone says I need one minute to do this backup and that took 15 minutes I’m like fantastic And then so we create I I made your fresh backup.

I’m like, let me try to use that cannot restore backup.

Wonderful So now I’m like, alright, I just want to kind of set it up from scratch.

It’s like, okay I can’t install iOS 18.1 beta 2 again.

It’s installed it four times like I don’t it keeps installing it Sometimes it solves it without a progress bar.

That’s very exciting because then it clearly doesn’t work Other times it installs it and it shows the progress bar.

Sometimes it says it needs like five minutes to install right now I said it needs 45 minutes to install it.


I’m at 28 minutes remaining on that.

It’s just incredibly frustrating I just want to box up the old phone and be able to use the new phone I’m almost certainly gonna end up having to set this phone up this new phone up from scratch And like install all my apps one by one, which is incredibly annoying So anyway, my level of hate and frustration is high.

I am amazed That this is how Apple ships this stuff because it sucks and maybe some of it relates to my being on developer betas But it’s supposed to be handling that too.

It’s I’m not the first person ever to have a new phone Whose OS might be on a different version of the old phone that happens.

That’s the thing that happens And it just crashes over and over again.

So everything sucks and I hate everyone except for my niece.

That’s nice This is visiting.

Goodbye Lex