At this exact moment, I don’t know what today’s your daily Lex is about But I do know that I’m recording it while waiting for Brian to join his room that he’s just zoomed He’s just joined so I have to stop recording so I can do it Your Daily Lex I have a slightly cranky house today.

It’s no one’s fault It’s because was the first day of school and the first day of school on its own doesn’t make me grumpy Although it does bum me out.

I like when my kids are home I like where we can do whatever we want every day and now they have to go to school Which I get the importance of but still be grudge The grumpiness is from how early we all had to get up the older to get up at 515 which is unfathomable to me and leave had to get up at 6 and Ani was driving to school leaving the house at 620 Sierra’s taking the bus leaving at 620 which meant getting the car with me to drive the half mile to the bus stop And then Liam was leaving the house at 640 something.

I don’t actually remember the exact time I gotta nail that down and I asked you to go to the bus 10 minutes early on the first day of school, which we did which was good because Although Sears came a couple minutes late Liam’s came early Sears came, you know late enough after that, you know early 10 minute thing That she was starting to get worried and saying, you know If it doesn’t come at this time you have to drive me blah blah and I was like, I’m not driving You’re gonna go to the bus the first day first day You gotta take the bus and the bus did come see us across an extremely busy Street Which I don’t love and hopefully the cars will honor the bus and Sierra will look for cars, etc On he drove and as far as I could tell only made one wrong turn Which I only know because I saw Ani go by me when that’s not where Ani should have gone.

So we’ll figure that out And then so Liam’s bus came early we’re out there for the stop early and then Liam announces to me I gotta use the bathroom and listen, he’s got Crohn’s disease.

Well, he says yes He’s a bathroom.

He has to use the bathroom So I’m like run and really I checked with Lauren because she was also there and she’s like, yes, let’s let him in So he goes he runs and then, you know, we’re like don’t forget to hurry we’re texting him and He’s not responding he’s busy I guess and then we start to Hear the bus and then see the bus at the prior stop, which is only a minute away from us I’m like, yeah, I got me got a guy we gotta come then the bus is at our stop And so I’m texting him Hey, you missed it and I’m starting my jog back to the house so I can plop him in the car to take him to school when I hear him in the garage and I Turn around and yell to Lauren at the stop hold the bus and Lauren does and I See Liam as he exits the garage and like run and he does which meant I didn’t get like the formal.


I wanted Didn’t get to take the the book bag photo outside I took book bag photos of the other two inside But I wanted to do his outside because I knew we’d have time to bus or I thought I knew And I couldn’t do that So there’s a bummer and like he his entrance to the bus was a little bit hectic The school’s also banned cell phones, which I really understand but don’t like Previously listen my older to would text too often when they were in class It was like what the hell is going on in that classroom if the teacher just listens all the time But now there’s a school-wide ban on Smartphones and smart watches which is annoying because I’d like Liam to be able to wear his Apple watch even if it’s not using the phone but Yeah, we’re a Fitbit today because you know as we’re smart watch And he’s put on his calendar like switch from Fitbit back to Apple watch for when he’s home.

So it’s all thing But yeah, I miss my kids and Yeah, it’s it’s hard and they’re not home yet.

I’m recording this at 151.

So some of them will be home again soon But yeah, I guess you know, I’m thinking I’m slightly Distracted because as you know There was yet another school shooting yesterday as I record this There are way too many of these things There are a couple different organizations to donate to I Think I’m trying to decide if I’m gonna which one I’m gonna donate to and then if I’m gonna try to encourage my listeners to Donate like am I gonna make a little donation?

I think I’m not gonna go that far Because I don’t want to annoy my dear listeners, but I’m gonna make a donation to Sandy Hook Promise Which works hard to protect the kids from gun violence, and I would encourage you do the same but I’m gonna make a donation right after I finish recording because man, oh man, I hate that it’s the thing that I worry about and I think my kids worry about shootings to schools and like the thing that I That really gets to me honestly besides just the horribleness of it all but it’s this idea of like you think well It wouldn’t happen at our school, but it’s what everybody thinks like there’s very few people who are sending their kids to school thing Hey, they’re probably gonna get shot there today That would be insane, right?

So like nobody’s gonna happen at their school and it does happen at some school sometimes and gun violence is the Leading killer of kids in the United States.

That’s insane Uh, yeah bad, so I’m gonna donate to Sandy Hook Promise.

I’m donating $100 as we speak.

I did it with Apple Pay So I saved 3% Anyway, you should do that too if you’ve got the means and the interest in you know, not having kids shot at school or elsewhere anyway First day of school almost in the books And it’s weird because I think about my kids all day like what are they doing?

How are they doing?

Like are they do they like their school?

Do they like the kids?

Are things going well?

Do they get lost all those things?

That’s being a parent And of course, they’re not thinking about me at all.

They’re thinking about homework because I guarantee you they’ll all come home with homework They make fun of me in the summer because I have to work and they don’t I will definitely make some homework jokes.

Ha ha That’s what it’s like being my kid.

Goodbye Lex