This past weekend, I attended a wedding where I felt like I was in a foreign country.

I felt totally out of place and totally bizarre.

It was a fine wedding, a lovely wedding.

And still, I felt like a total weirdo there.

Your Daily Lex.

Why did I feel like a total weirdo?

It was a Catholic wedding.

As you may know, I am not Catholic.

Some of my best friends are Catholic, and maybe you, dear listener, are Catholic.

Maybe you’re not.

Maybe you’ve been to Catholic weddings.

Maybe you haven’t.

This wasn’t my first time at a Catholic wedding.

I believe it was my second.

We were in the church.

First of all, I’m not typically around that much explicit Jesus imagery, which probably relates to the fact that I’m Jewish.

And then there was taking of communion, and I was wondering if the communion wafers were kosher.

There was some kneeling.

And so obviously, if you’re a Jewish person, or I guess a non-Catholic person at a service like this, we don’t kneel when they’re kneeling, and we don’t take communion for all the obvious reasons.

But there were things that were just so foreign to me.

There’s a call and response that happens at a Catholic service, and I don’t even know the responses, but it’s so, I guess not shocking, but different when suddenly many people in unison are replying to the priest in different ways.

But it was fun.

I love going to weddings.

I almost always cry at weddings.

I didn’t cry at this wedding, but it was lovely.

And it was a theater couple, and the bride sang a solo version of Ave Maria at one point, which was very nice.

But I did not go to the reception.

I only went to the ceremony because I had a prior engagement.

It was actually a comedy sports match, and if anybody can understand that, it’s theater people.

We were late invites.

They had some RICP no, and so they came to us and said, hey, do you want to come to this wedding?

Which at that time was probably about three weeks away, and maybe four, I don’t know.

But it was closer.

I don’t mind that.

I don’t mind your being upfront about it, and we’ll go if we can.

I have another friend who they extended an invitation to three or four days prior to the wedding, and he said no.

And I think that’s reasonable too.

I think it’s reasonable for him to say no.

I think that’s too close.

I think you’ve got to give a minimum two weeks.

I’ve been to other weddings as a backup invitee, and there were some great weddings.

And something about going to a wedding of people you’re already friends with, I think sometimes they’ll become closer friends because now you’re with them on a big day, big deal day.

I was thinking though, because I got married pretty young.

I was 22 when I got married, and we lived in California when we were very early in our marriage, and before marriage, I guess.

So I was in California from around the age of 21 to around the age of 25.

And so when we started having friends, getting married, some of that was happening back in California where we weren’t traveling for those weddings because we didn’t have the budget to do so at the time.

And when we came to Jersey, the folks who were the right age who we were friends with, we came to New Jersey while pregnant with our oldest.

So we were meeting people who were already married with kids.

So I feel like I didn’t go to nearly as many weddings as some of my peers did in that kind of 20s to early 30s range.

And I feel like I missed out, frankly.

I was only ever the best man for my brother-in-law.

He wasn’t my brother-in-law at the time.

He was becoming my brother-in-law, but yeah, I was guy’s best man.

And I don’t know.

I think I would’ve been a good best man for friends.

I just never actually had the chance.

So my life is ruined.

No, it’s fine.

That’s fine.

I’m not sad, but I think I could’ve been good at it.

Really, I just want to get the opportunity to deliver some best man toasts.

So if you are speaking at a wedding soon and need me to write a speech for you, I will do so.

$100 a word.

JK, it’s 50.

Anyway, those were my thoughts.

I like weddings.

I felt totally out of place at the Catholic wedding and I wasn’t very cross though.

See what I did there?


Anyway, let me be your best man.

Is that so much to ask?

I could just be a better man if there’s already a best man.

Anyway, happy Monday and we’ll talk again so soon.

You know it.

I know it.
