Why didn’t I record an episode yesterday because I played with my son instead no regrets And now we’re here though, and it’s Thursday.

It’s October 10th, and it’s time for a brand new all-fresh Ready to rock episode of your daily Lex.

I have no idea what I’m talking about, but let’s do this thing, okay Your Daily Lex I Debated a bit what my topic should be today.

I guess it to a degree I do that every day But today I’m not sure we’ll see if we get a whole episode out of it I mean, I’m gonna release it no matter what we’ll see if it’s any good.

So as you may recall Several people get shots all the time in my house And I’m not talking about fireball.

Although if anybody has a shot of fireball, you know, and it’s not the workday I’d be happy to enjoy anyway, I give myself a headache shot once a month actually every 28 days I had been doing every 30 days and then recently discovered that it’s supposed to be every 28 days Which is exciting because I start to get migraines Near the end of that 30-day block, so I’m glad that I can actually take it slightly sooner But it’s to prevent migraines and it works amazingly and then I give Liam two shots a month to manage his Crohn’s disease and Liam also has to get blood drawn Somewhat frequently to monitor his Crohn’s and he truly hates getting his blood drawn He gets a little panicky and does not enjoy it at all Not that I think many people look forward to blood draws, but yeah, he really hates it And so we had gotten I don’t even remember what it is some ointment to put on Before you go to get your blood drawn that numbs the skin there.

So it bothers you less and it seems to help a bit and my shot that I take each month super sucks and Liam does not use that lotion for his shot He doesn’t want to but I have been icing before I do my shot because it just burns so much But I always play down in my mind It can’t actually burn as much as I think and then I do the shot and it burns so unbelievably much And so one time a couple months ago.

I was like instead of icing it today.

I’m gonna try Liam’s ointment thing Boy, did that not work, which isn’t too surprising, right?

It’s not the puncturing of the skin that hurts with my shot It’s the fiery medicine going into my body And the lotion did nothing to them that Icing does seem to help at least psychosomatic Lee a little bit.

But man that lotion did nothing and that one burned extra Now when I give Liam his shot I’m supposed to pinch his skin On his thigh and then inject and then hold the skin pinched in while it goes in and then when it finally clicks we’re done Sometimes it’s nothing and sometimes it bothers him and I don’t know what the difference is I don’t know why it hurts him sometimes and doesn’t hurt him other times He mentioned that when he got one shot at camp from the camp nurse, it didn’t hurt But when I do it some of the time it hurts and now the medicine is clearly working his levels are great and you know, the doctors are very happy with his Well with his poop and his blood work, so and if you can’t be happy with somebody’s poop and blood work That’s very disappointing.

But so I mean, I don’t know I Do my very best giving him the shot.

I try to do it I thought I like to look at the instructions every single time even though I’ve now done it many times but I Don’t know why sometimes it bothers him and sometimes it doesn’t and I wish it didn’t and I feel bad that it hurts him Yeah, so there’s that Lauren takes a monthly infusion and that medication is available and shot for him I believe we can choose to get it with confusion instead I was like, I don’t want a shot each month So I’ll do the infusion and I would much rather do the shot and just get it over with Yeah, so there’s that Boy, I think that’s it I will say anytime somebody has a migraine like Lauren had plans canceled today because the person she’s supposed to be hanging out with her one of them has a migraine And whenever I hear that I feel such empathy because I know how debilitating those can be but I also Immediately go into evangelist mode.

You know what?

I take this shot.

I found that it really helps it done.

But man, I Also mentioned it burns like the fiery pits of hell But it takes away headaches.

So why not or prevents them?

I guess it didn’t take away What you dig into how these shots work that I take and how they like widen the blood vessels in the brain Boy, let’s not think about what any possible side effects.

We the doctor always tells me they’re none and there’s no long-term ill effects Whatever else but how do they know they don’t know yet.

So worst case, I guess my brain will explode It’s a pretty bad worst case, I guess.

Oh, well so far.

My brain is great as you can hear from my brilliant daily podcast specifically your daily Lex You