Yeah, I’m into fitness fitness burrito in my mouth not my joke, but still a good joke a joke.

I appreciate your Daily Lex So as you know from the final episode of last week, I am using a treadmill desk now at this moment I am NOT on the treadmill, but I’ll be back on it shortly But yeah, my step count for the day as I record this at 254 is already over 12,000 Which is not my norm my norm was you know around 5,000 steps a day, so this is a lot more I had ordered a Display for my standing desk set up and its resolution is too low.

It was not my new year’s resolution, huh?

So I’m doing an exchange with Amazon.

It’s a whole thing I got to box it up and send it back, but the new one arrives today I’m not gonna finalize my setup until I have the final display in here so I can figure it all out But I’ve made a lot of progress in the office And I can have the seated setup and the standing setup working all at the same time now, which is nice but yeah, it’s um the The fitness stuff is not all-consuming, but I would say it’s always on my mind.

Does that qualify as all-consuming I?

Can’t remember.

I know I talked about it on the rebound I don’t know if I talked about on this podcast and I didn’t check the logs, but In November I Hired a trainer and the story of how I hired the trainer is this I hired him.

No, I Had a buddy who a year ago November started working with his trainer and started posting his progress on Instagram You know like the post or say hey, wow, great job, buddy.

And the first time I did this posted a comment the trainer Wrote to me on Instagram.

Hey, I saw that you liked Anthony’s post if you also want to get fit and lose the dad bod hit me up Don’t blow my DMS telling me that I should lose my dad body.

You don’t know me.

That’s why I blocked the guy Then it’s you know this past October and my buddy Posts, he’s now down 90 pounds.

I’m like good lord.

I think maybe I should write to his trainer guy so I unblocked the train right to him and the thing I pushed him on the most is It’s got I’m not worried about the workouts you’re gonna give me but the meal planning side you’re gonna have to work with me There’s things I won’t eat.

You can’t just say, okay, let’s eat three salads a day because it’s not gonna happen And you can’t say hey have Lauren who does 90% of the dinner prep in this family like have Lauren make this other thing for you Like there’s no way I’m gonna do that.

He’s like well, you don’t tell me what you do and don’t eat and I won’t give you more than one hour of food prep time in total per week And we won’t change your dinners at all.

Just eat what Lauren makes for dinner and we’ll budget accordingly And he’s been true to his word on all those fronts.

So it’s been it’s been pretty exciting And since I started with him, I’m doing the math I think I’m down down 16 pounds maybe 17 pounds so it’s working There’s more to go And I do you know his workouts three days a week and my own workouts on the other days I’ve been doing the treadmill desk and I’ve been thoughtful about food probably the single biggest change in my life The single biggest change is how many egg whites I’m eating these days because I never ate any whites But now because he wants my protein up, but the fat content down I can basically have infinite egg whites and then I’ll put in one or two eggs in there So it’s like six eggs worth of egg whites or five eggs worth of egg whites and one or two real eggs Make a pretty good on with there But you can’t make an omelet without breaking some egg whites.

I don’t know anyway, but it’s been okay.

Yes, but some I’m doing his The omelets the egg whites are the biggest change and then portion size is the other big change and For a little while I was doing all my servings based on measuring cups, right?

Like okay, I can have this much of this thing and then My sister recommended I use the food scale and said we already have one and The fact that you can I mean everybody knows this who uses food scales, right?

But I can put the the bowl or the glass or whatever on there and set that to zero With the good old tear button and then put your food in there Yeah, that’s exactly how much my food weighs and that makes it super easy The first couple weeks I was going around hungry all the time now Now I’m hungry sometime but I’m not going around hungry all the time and I’m actively observing as my Stomach changes not just the visible physical stuff, but like I can feel full sooner, which is good It also helps that I’ve upped my protein and take so much.

But anyway It’s it’s fun.

And I don’t know.

I’m very excited to be adding the treadmill desk back into my life.

The the pausing of it is annoying The the times when I’m you know, needing to get off the treadmill to go do something else I’m annoyed that I have to stop walking including right now as I record this podcast.

I’m not annoyed at you.

It’s not your fault But here’s the the funniest part of the treadmill desk aspect of my life is how low-tech some of it is Because neither my smart ring nor my smart watch can adequately count my steps on the treadmill So I’ve started using a dumb Digital pedometer that goes in my pocket while I’m on the treadmill and then I manually add steps to my phone using a shortcut I wrote on Shortcuts is that the FPS and yeah, so that’s funny to me how low-tech that is Anyway, that’s my story.

And I hope you are having a great Monday.


Wait, wait, wait No, not goodbye.

I stopped recording.

I put the Lex on there and said no I had more to say My favorite thing about this trainer besides the fact that it’s working is that it’s not in person Sometimes I referred it was virtual but he’s not AI.

He’s a human He’s just based in a different state And so we do it all via zoom and his app and I message An email and I really appreciate that another cool thing that you can do with This guy is if we’re going out to a restaurant I can send him the menu ahead of time and he can say why don’t you get this the first couple times?

He was like, why don’t you get this gross thing?

I was like, there’s no way I’m gonna get gross thing.

Like I’m not gonna get the tofu or the whatever But now that he’s learned what I do and don’t eat he can send me great suggestions And it’s sometimes things I would never think to order off the menu and that’s pretty good, too So anyway now, you know It is not an in-person person because that wouldn’t work for me.

I like not in-person peoples.


Goodbye Lex