We meet again dear your daily Alexa Center, and it’s incumbent upon me to tell you that if you Aren’t regularly reading every single order article on six colors first of all you’re making a mistake if you’re reading six colors every day But you should definitely read it today Wednesday January 8th because I have a story there all about My treadmill desk obviously I’ve talked about some of us here on this show, but it’s even more detail and very nerdy stuff as well and Here’s how that happened Yesterday I had the idea when I was driving to write this thing because I’d been texting with my bow my pal Brian About it and giving him some tips And then I was like I should write this down and then I texted Jason and I did it with a voice memo which I Never do because I didn’t think Siri would transcribe it all well Mike Jason.

What if I did this Jason text it back I like it and so then today.

I wrote it and then today he published it So anyway go check that out on six colors, and then let’s do a show your Daily Lex This is hard for me, this is slightly embarrassing for me, but here we go first of all as I mentioned in the six colors article I’m down 19.1 pounds since I started working on these things in mid-november, and I am proud of that fact That has nothing to do with the following story, but here’s the following story yesterday as you may recall I was auditioning with Sierra for the musical the prom at a theater where I have done zero shows and Sierra has done one shows and If you’re not a show auditioning a person you might not know this fact, but Typically when you’re gonna audition for a musical they ask you to prepare X bars of a song X measures of a song Many places want you to do 32 bars Sometimes you’ll get the dreaded 16 bars 16 bars is short if you don’t know music terminology that well, it’s okay it’s about 20 seconds of a song typically and In this case the audition notice indicated you are welcomed and even encouraged to sing songs from the show That’s very rare.


They ask you to prepare something.

That’s not from the show many folks Myself included struggle to figure out what the heck am I gonna sing for this audition?

And so in this case when they said like you can sing a song from the show Knowing what characters I wanted to audition for I thought I’ll sing this song from the show in this case is the song we look to you That’s the song the principal Hawkins sings and that’s the role that I think I’m best suited for in that show But it’s boring The song is boring standalone in the context of the show itself the song can be fun Not fun, but it can be moving It’s got a little bit of sweet comedy and it is emotional and there’s it has impact it has it has something it gives something When it’s in the show, but when you’re just singing it standalone boring boring song So after a little while thought you know what maybe I’ll sing this other song from the show It’s a lot more uptempo.

If you know the show, it’s a love thy neighbor It’s a little more fun and it’s the same vocal range as the part I want but it’s not the part I want it’s a different part And as it was approaching the day before the audition, I was convinced You know what?

No, I got to do principal Hawkins song.

If I want to be principal Hawkins sing principal Hawkins song.

Okay So I figure out my 16 measures I have Liam playing on the piano for me so I can hear what the accompaniment will sound like I get ready and I note to Liam and to Lauren and to Sierra to anybody who will listen.

I’m struggling with the words Now, I know you think you know where the story is going, but just wait because maybe you don’t So I write down the words.

I have this incredibly complicated series of mnemonic devices, which is how my brain works Tell me remember the lyrics.

There’s one point where I know that I’m singing about Hopes are sad and few and then I have to think.

Oh, yeah, like my cat Allie Allie has Hope hopes that are sad and few and cats have whiskers.

So the next word I have to remember is whisked These are listen your own mnemonic devices only have to work for you, but I get all the mnemonic devices down I get I have it written down by hand so I can you know get into my brain that way I’m listening to it in the car all the way the auditions with Sierra And I tell Sierra they’re like look there’s still a 40% chance I’m gonna mess up these words like I really don’t quite have them locked in if I had to do over again I would have done any other song that I already know like There’s no reason to be audition.


There’s no reason to be nervous at an audition about the lyrics You should be nervous about the audition itself if that’s your thing But like you shouldn’t be worried about the words, but I was And I’m reviewing them and then it’s like There’s so many people going before me because this theater does open auditions where you watch everybody do it and that’s its own experience and the stories I won’t tell in this podcast, but Finally, it’s my turn and I look at the words one more time as I’m walking up and like I don’t know these words I don’t know why it’s 20 seconds.

It’s 16 bars.

It’s nothing but my brain had a block on learning those lyrics Obviously, I can’t remember really long things but it’s definitely harder for me to learn to memorize stuff today at 44 years old than it used to be a Fact of how my brain is.

I don’t know.

I Get up there.

I sing the first line of the song and I’m like, nope I warned my daughter Sierra who’s auditioning after me that I might forget these words and I did let me quick review them I review them The whole thing takes two seconds.

I’ve done it in a jovial way.

We restart certainly not the first person to restart at these auditions then I Forget the words again, not the same words, but like the next part of words and at what it happens that time I literally just said oh my god Mocking myself checked my sheet, which was in my hand and then kept going but it was like mortifying I forgot the words two times in an audition.

That was 20 seconds long.

I Still sang it.

Well amazingly enough.

I still got a call back If I weren’t there with Sierra, I would have just left Oh, not like not out of shame, but like nope.

I tanked this audition.

I bombed it I did not do what you’re supposed to do I came to the audition and even though I had prepared I did not do it, right and that’s okay Sometimes, you know a pitcher has a bad game.

I’ve made a baseball analogy like I know baseball which I do not But yeah, then they were doing immediate callbacks so after everybody was done the the directing team left for about 20 minutes and then came back and asked I don’t know 30% 20% of people to stay and I was among those people.

I don’t know if I’ll be cast in that show I don’t know that I would cast me.

I really did bomb the audition part I did just fine at the callbacks part when you get to hold the script in your hand, but man, it was embarrassing I am still I still have some residual embarrassment.

I don’t feel bad about myself Like I forgive myself you’re allowed to have a bad night But still embarrassing to have a bad night with an audience watching you do it good stuff.

Anyway, happy Wednesday, January 8th Goodbye Lex