Talked about this for a minute on the episode of the rebound that we recorded today.

I definitely don’t want to be in depressed all the time world and you know people listen to podcasts and they do other things for entertainment for escape and To just talk about all the misery is no good.

But at the same time, I don’t want to ignore it I think I think that’s bad, too So I just want to acknowledge that like giving Hitler salutes and pardoning the Insurrectionists who attacked the foundation of democracy in the u.s.

Giving all those folks pardons is horrendous denying the existence of trans people is horrendous and so things are horrendous and we have to acknowledge that they’re horrendous and The goal is to make you feel helpless and hopeless and we’re neither so I’m reminding me and you of that We’re not helpless or hopeless, but we are here for your daily legs your daily legs We had some snow the thought at first we weren’t gonna get anywhere we were and then maybe an inch or two and then we ended up getting four four and a half inches And it was really cold like crazily cold.

It’s even crazily colder today and it’s gonna get colder still I think with this I don’t know polar vortex And it’s very cold And I was not super motivated to go out and deal with the snow.

We have an electric snowblower We actually have to we have a shovel We have a couple shovels but it was you know, I had already worked out when the snow fell and I was like I really I don’t want to deal with this And I was debating what to do because you can pay somebody to plow your driveway where I live but they want a couple hundred bucks and it did not seem like a couple hundred bucks worth of snow and I was thinking about it.

I was thinking about could I bribe my kids and then My doorbell rang and there were three kids pretty young younger than my kids I would say and They really would you like us to shovel your driveway?

And I was like how much and they were like 50 bucks and in my head I was like that seems deep.

I bet I could negotiate this and then I said, did you know what?

No, it’s not worth it.

I do.

I do not have to negotiate with these children so I said, okay, and they got to work and I Don’t know an hour or so later they ring the doorbell again say, okay, we’re all done and I said I’m not paying for this Just kidding.

I didn’t say that I looked and I saw that they had not done a great job But they had done an okay job And I paid them the 50 bucks first asked if they could make change and they said no so then I stole $10 from one of my kids and Paired that with the two twenties ahead because I don’t want to pay them 60 If they had blown me away, I was gonna absolutely gonna pay them extra but because there were three kids I thought 60 would be nice, but instead I paid them 50 and It was so joyous because as I closed the door I heard them all start whooping and cheering that they had just made this money They were like so proud and so happy.

So I felt good about it and they felt good about it And like I said, they did a fine job.

They didn’t do badly.

They just didn’t do exceptionally Were it a little bit warmer, you know They left so little that it should be able to melt and some of it has already, you know At least gotten hit by the Sun and I don’t know sublimated or something but Yeah, it’s fine.

It’s fine cars can go in and out speaking of cars We had a couple other car and snow related things happening.

One was Sarah had her first instructor based driving Instruction I said that well, but she drove around for three hours with an instructor and loved it did great and it’s exciting Especially because our oldest was really a scared driver So the fact that Sierra’s enjoying it and feels good about it is wonderful So that was fun.

And then Ani had a friend come over before it started snowing and then that friend As it started snow the friend wasn’t making any effort to leave and I was like So what’s the plan because now if you’re gonna go home the friend had driven here I’m like, I’m not comfortable you driving home.

I would drive you home And then you can come get your car tomorrow when there’s less snow But I’m not comfortable letting you drive home for me and the friends like oh and I’d rather just sleep over like, okay, so She hadn’t prepared for that possibility So I was like, okay, I will provide you with various things things like, you know Toothbrush and some old scrubs to wear his pajamas, whatever and I know it’s mentioned some of this yesterday but then the next day Jim’s ready to drive home and I Was I had two work calls yesterday, even though it was otherwise a day off and as I’m getting ready for a work call on the engine go out to Jim’s car to Get Jim ready to drive home and they come back in and they’re they’re calling Jim’s dad I can’t get it to frosted like I can’t I can’t get all the snow off I don’t know what to do and the dad’s like have you been running the car and she’s like no Good stuff.

So I felt bad because I overheard this conversation But they had never asked me for help and I would have given the same advice And of course, she ran the car for five minutes and then it was easy to defrost and Jim got to go home But yeah And then today my older two had a delayed opening which they were just so joyous about they got to sleep an extra 90 minutes Liam’s school had no delay.

So he and I did not get to sleep in any extra I don’t think the 90-minute delay was warranted or necessary But I mean the joy brought my older two was enough that I was happy.

They got him We got to find happiness where we can people let’s do it