My kids are driving. Me? Crazy.
I have another kid who’s a driver.
Uh, Sierra’s not licensed yet.
She’s still doing the, uh, student driving.
One has to do with, uh, licensed instructors in New Jersey.
You got to get six hours of that.
And then after you’ve hit your six hours, you can get your permit and then you’re supposed to drive all over the place with an adult who’s your parents typically in the car.
Uh, and then eventually you take the driving test when you’re 17.
Uh, but man, the fact that two of my kids are now driving eligible, uh, strikes me as totally bonkers.
Your daily Lex.
And I’ve been talking a bit on this show and even others about how it, um, it’s really hard for me to think about the fact that my oldest is now, um, going to go to college in the fall.
And I was talking to some friends of mine, including my buddy, Frank, whose kid is already in college.
And, uh, although Frank’s daughter was born a week before Ani, uh, but because we live in different towns, uh, she’s a year ahead of Ani because of the different school cutoffs.
Um, in some ways I’m like, wow, I’m on borrow time because if we had lived one town over, then Ani would already be there.
Uh, but Frank, I was telling him how, like, I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that it’s quite possible Ani could never live at home again and blah, blah, blah.
And it’s like, it’s true.
It’s hard.
It’s different having the house be empty.
And then when she was home for Christmas break, it was very different having the house be full.
Uh, but that, um, there’s joy too, because he gets to watch her like be independent and experience new things and become a stronger person and all that stuff.
And I thought that’s cool.
So I liked that.
I appreciate my buddy, Frank, in a lot of ways, including this one, because that was, it’s comforting and a healthy reminder to me to think about how, well, it’s not just that my kid’s going to college.
My kid’s becoming not so much a kid.
Uh, it reminds me a little bit of how useful Frank has been to me, uh, throughout, throughout all of my parenting.
Uh, Frank had had one key difference, uh, for me, which is that I had three kids.
Frank has one kid.
And I think sometimes Lauren and I were a bit inclined not to remember that our older kids could do more because we were, we still had younger ones.
And so we’d look through the lens of the younger kid stuff where since Frank always had just the one kid, uh, you know, he was giving his kid more to do more responsibility, more challenges, more stuff like, uh, Frank’s kid.
I’m not using his daughter’s name.
Cause I don’t know.
Frank wants me to talk about his daughter on the podcast, but Frank’s kid, uh, would like to use an iPhone, um, as a little kid to play educational games.
And I had never even thought of that because my younger one was way too young, but Ani could do that.
Um, or, uh, Frank’s kid had certain responsibilities that we hadn’t yet thought to give Ani.
And so that’s Frank’s been a good little, uh, parenting tutor.
Uh, and I like that we can learn stuff from our friends in those ways.
That’s kind of my point.
That’s really all I had that I was thinking about.
Um, now there are a couple of different college visits that we want to do, including Tony’s first choice Emerson.
Um, but, uh, the dates of said visits are terrible for us.
On the, has to be at school really late the night before one of these visiting days for accepted students, which starts at nine in the morning, the following day in Boston and New Jersey are a little bit far away.
So trying to figure out what we can make work.
Uh, don’t yet know that answer, but we’ll figure it out.
I mean, we’ve already been to the school, but, uh, and I never went to an accepted students day.
So, uh, if I didn’t, nobody has to, but, um, you can kind of fun too, I think.
So we’ll see, try to see if we can figure it out.
Uh, probably going to have to either have Ani or us email Ani’s teacher.
And be like, Hey, Ani has to be at school on this day in April until late.
Uh, but can we be sure that Ani’s out by six so that we can start a drive to Boston, which will take a minimum of four hours, good stuff.
Uh, all right.
That’s all I got.
I hope your Thursday is going well.
I know mine is because I got to share some of it with you.