You know how sometimes people just need to vent to you?

I want you not to worry I’m not gonna vent to you on this podcast right now other than about people venting to me And I don’t mind when people vent to me.

I appreciate when people need to vent to me Sometimes people vent to me in text message by sending me text message after text message complaining about a thing that I have nothing to do With they’re not yelling at me.

They’re not mad at me they’re simply complaining to me about the thing the person I’m thinking of is specifically my spouse, but She’s unhappy with pharmacies and insurance companies Normal companies to be unhappy with but sending me just a series of texts and Yeah, that’s fun It’s especially fun when I’m on a zoom and like my my eyes can’t help it float up to the Notification center thing that pops up sometimes I will silence notifications on a zoom, but you know, what is your wife texting?

It could be very important.

I’m not suggesting that these texts are not important I’m just suggesting that there were a whole lot of them.

They’re still coming in as I record this podcast Anyway, let’s do this podcast Including the part that we already did but that parts done Your Daily Lex I don’t know if I’ve told you about my emergency shirts My emergency handsome shirts, maybe I’ve told you and if so, I’ll tell you again But with more color and humor and detail, but because I’m on the treadmill I’m often in shorts and socks and I mean shoes and a t-shirt But when I’m gonna go on a zoom which happens throughout the day I don’t want to just be in a t-shirt even though I’m working from home even though I work for myself I can’t want to show people a little bit of Something so I have a couple emergency button-down shirts in my office that I can throw on when I have a zoom coming up Sometimes they stay on like ones on right now because I’m in between calls.

It’s fine, but I Sometimes have the same call.

I’m sorry I have calls with the same client multiple times in a week and then I realize you gotta have more shirts I can’t just always be wearing one of the same two shirts around this client.

They’re gonna think something’s weird Now maybe something is weird, but They deserve dynamic shirts.

Maybe they don’t even notice.

Maybe they don’t pay attention.

Maybe they wouldn’t care even if they did notice Maybe I could just be my t-shirt Listen, sometimes I’m putting on my button-down over my shirt and I’m joining calls with people who are in hoodies or t-shirts of their own And that’s okay.

I don’t judge it.

It’s fine.

I notice it, but I don’t judge it Really what I’m thinking is maybe I need like a whole Clothing bar in here where I can hang up a bunch of different shirts so I can just have a choice of shirts I need like a mr.

Rogers setup.

I won’t change my shoes.

Although I do that each morning, too I come in and put on shoes because I’m normally Barefoot in my house or merely socked in my house and then I put on shoes for the treading But I kind of need like a whole array of shirts so I can just mix and match all the time Interesting mix and match is not the right set of verbs to use there because I’m not Mixing and matching.

I just need a rotation.

I need a rotation of shirts so Hmm, I’m gonna think about that.

I Wouldn’t want it to be messy nor what I wanted to be on camera speaking up.

I recently remodeled some of the office As you know, I’ve got my standing desk treadmill desk setup and because of that my camera now has a different angle on the room It’s still a pretty good angle But the cat tower that’s been in my office for a couple years was very prominent and I would frequently get comments like hey There’s a cat tower.


Yes, there is a cat tower for the uninitiated is a thing that cats can climb on and More than once I had people say, oh, I wish I was confident enough to put a cat tower In view of my camera, which I think is at best damning me with faint praise Because they’re implying there’s something unpro Something unprofessional something not good about having a visible cat tower I don’t agree with that assessment, but since I heard from a couple different entities in a couple separate meetings I decided to move the cat tower.

I couldn’t put it in a place where it wouldn’t be in view of the camera So it’s now out of the office and a much smaller cat structure is here for when the cats are in here That is not visible on camera.

So a sad change for the cats, but it’s fine.

I don’t mind It is now so many hours since I recorded that last part.

Lauren is still texting me with grumpiness about a Specialty pharmacy and to be clear again.

She has every right to be angry with him.

They suck on our terrible and When you’re fighting to get your son’s medication that he needs It’s very annoying But anyway, actually not that anybody cares about other people’s insurance was we switched to a new insurance plan from the same insurance company It’s the same company.

We just got and it’s really the same plan.

I’ve talked about some more it’s a little bit cheaper we get through Lauren’s work now instead of paying direct and They’re like, oh you need to use a different specialty pharmacy from the one you used before to get Liam’s injection and we’re like You are the old company.

You told us to use this company.

You know, we don’t want you to come We use other company and the other company of course sucks cuz they all suck.

Anyway What a hodgepodge of an episode this has turned out to be especially since I recorded over the span of so many hours I hope you’re having a wonderful Tuesday just a few days till the Eagles win the Super Bowl everybody So at least that’s something we can all be happy about Lex